I wish that I could be a writer. That I could have that talent where all the emotions and thoughts are are jumbled around in my head could be elegantly put down on a piece of paper. Almost daily I read blogs where thoughts I could have sworn were my own are written down. Beautifully. Far better than I ever could have. It's nice to read them, to see them out there in hard copy, but it's also sad because I know I'm not the one who produced them.
Only one more week of classes and then I'm bounding into the world of exams. But then I get a few glorious weeks of freedom before me job starts. I'm somewhat worried that I still don't have a place to live in Ottawa, I guess I could put some more effort into it. But what better than leaving it all to the last minute. Procrastination is my style. Ha ha.
Oh my goodness, last night I watched Mystery Science Theatre 3000. It has got to be one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my life. Honestly, I was laughing the entire 92 minutes. Laughing so much that I was getting short of breath. I highly recommend these to anyone who has never seen them. Good sarcastic fun.
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