Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Today I decided I was going to take a trip somewhere warm. I finish my exams on the 8th and that gives me plenty of time go jump on a plane and spend a week on the beach before Christmas. So it's been decided. Anyone want to come? I just want to lie on some warm sand and not worry about school. It'll be great. I really can't afford it but you can get really cheap packages last minute. And I don't care where I go. As long as it's warm. And there is water.

My dad has just decided to tell me now that he's going away for a week a couple Saturdays from now. That means it's just going to be just me and my cat in the house. How lonely. Also I almost got hit by a car twice today. Thankfully I was paying attention. Also a bullrush attacked me when I was out in our wetland and I have a scratch across my face. The world seems to be out to get me today. Maybe I should put my pajamas on and go to bed.

* song of the moment: U2 - All I Want Is You *


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