Sunday, November 16, 2003

I've been sneezing all day and now my nose is running. Damn! Well I guess it's been a whole month and a half since the last time I got a cold. Which is only a long time if you're me. I'm not a normal person. I get sick all the time. It's getting quite ridiculous. What can ya do?

Ooh. Watch the new Harry Potter trailer. Do it! It looks good. Huminah. But alas it's coming out in June. 8 months is a long time before to release the trailer. Meh.

I'm eating carrots again (I think it's a bad sign when you start discussing eating habits). But seriously, I go through so many carrots, I'm going to start turning orange. It's possible. That and Cheeze Whiz and celery. Mmmm. I promise I'll write a better, unrelated-to-food blog soon once I'm less busy and more inspired.

* Sneeze * So 33 Aberdeen got a cat. Seven guys and a cat. Ha ha. I think it's quite entertaining. Hopefully the poor thing doesn't get too traumatized. Just kidding. Hmm. Maybe I'll go to bed and screw this work. * Sneeze* Damn.

* song of the moment: Lou Reed - Take a Walk on the Wild Side *


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