Thursday, July 22, 2004

A bowl of oatmeal tried to stare me down.. and won.

That's how I feel lately. Put down into a twangy tune by the guru-of-an-aching-soul Johnny Prine.  Must be the heat. It's funny how we complain about having no summer weather and the minute it turns 38 degrees with the damn humidex we want it to be cool again. Is that so much to ask? I don't do well with heat. Maybe I'll move to Alaska. I do have a lot of wool sweaters I'm in love with. It's settled then.

Well I've successfully managed to put off the evil paper of death until the day before it is due. Anyone want to cough out 2000 words on the impact of tourism on the cliff face ecosystem of the niagara escarpment area of bruce peninsula national park? No takers? I'm going to move to denial land where I don't have to deal with school. Denial Land? Man I watch too much Buffy. Damn those scoobies and their made up phrases!

Gonna lie on the cool hardwood floor with my cat who can't seem to stand the heat either. He'll come to Alaska with me.
* song of the moment: Tom McRae - Sao Paulo Rain * (this is a great song - I'm recommending it to all!)


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