Wednesday, January 12, 2005

What a nice walk home. Places (and buses) have been closed all day today because of the crazy rain/sleet/freezing rain. But it warmed up tonight and now it's all misty and spooky cool out. My likes. I'm trying to think of an excuse to have to walk someone. Mebbe a midnight trip to Timmies will be in order. Zooey likes it too. I found him sitting on the porch waiting for me when I came home.

This Badly Drawn Boy song I'm listening to is so fun. I'm sitting here dancing with myself in the chair. And feeling kind of happy. Which is nice considering I've been in down-in-the-dumps land for the past few days.

I pretty much just lost most of my reading week. The dreaded wisdom teeth removal is going to happen during my time off. I had a consultation today and now i'm thoroughly freaked out about having them taken out (and also about the fact that apparently I have a cyst in my jaw). My dentist puts you under "conscious sedation" though, and what I've read about that today has reassured me a bit about it. Some people don't remember anything about the procedure. Knowing my luck with teeth though.... oh well. I'm going to think happy thoughts. My dentist was like "well you just have too small of a mouth". What a comment. Obviously. Enough about wisdom teeth.

I started learning (or re-learning) French today. It was lotsa fun. Hard but fun. The course I'm taking in is just listening, so I'm going to try and speak things out loud as I learn them to try and get a bit of that too. And then I watched French tv during supper. Go me!

* song of the moment: Badly Drawn Boy - Four Leaf Clover *


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