Thursday, March 10, 2005

Why does no one want to hire me? Seriously, the people who say "there are lots of jobs out there" are full of crap for brains. Then again I talked to a friend today who got hired on at an environmental consulting firm and turned down the job. Yes. Turned it down. I hate her. Well I don't hate her I'm just insanely jealous. My other friend told me she thinks I would be good for the military. What's that all about?

So I've just wasted an entire hour reading the book "good vibrations - the guide to good sex" and colouring in a Care Bears colouring book. It's turning out to be quite a random night. But now I feel guilty for not doing work so I shall get to that. And eat the leftover cappelletti from East Sides. I ate three whole big red bowls of salad so I had lots of leftovers.

* song of the moment: Something loud my housemate is blaring *


At 2:14 AM, Blogger Seasaidh said...

Good in the military???? UM.....

At 11:23 AM, Blogger Shmemily said...

I know :) ha ha. it was Ricki Lee who said it too.

At 11:29 AM, Blogger Seasaidh said...

Ricki Lee?? Go figure!!!!!!!!!


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