Thursday, April 24, 2003

I'm feeling pretty mellow-ish right now. I was outside in the sun for a while today so I have the almost-burnt-face, hazy, sleepy feeling. It's kind of nice.

Today I was reading about this site that puts up people's blogs who have passed away. That seemed strange to me, the day to day writing of someone, and then all of a sudden nothing. I mean. When they were writing "got cut off in traffic today" or "was mad that I was overcharged at the grocery store" they had no idea it would be their last. Like this blabbering could be my last. The very last record of my entire exsistance could be me talking about my almost-burnt-face. Scary. But also at the same time, I guess it would be nice for the loved ones of the now-silent blog writers to have something to read. Maybe find something they didn't know about the person. I don't know. It just really made me think.

So I'm packing my stuff again. Goodness. I certainly do have a lot of personal belongings. Although my books in themselves seem to take up most of the boxes. Damn the books. (I always expect the sarcastic half grin that goes with saying things like that to come up in my writing - but somehow it never does).

* song of the moment: Coldplay - Everything's Not Lost *


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