Thursday, July 17, 2003

Still sick. Blarg.

I'm supposed to be playing in a softball tournament today. Which I don't think is going to be happening. Unless they really need me (and by me I mean the minimum requirement of females). I can barely breathe, let alone play any sort of half decent softball.

I'm so looking forward to some good Guelph time this weekend. Going to curl up on my green chair with my big blue mug and read. Mmmmm. It's funny how you miss home when you're sick. Maybe I'll cough a lot while going through Toronto on the train - give everyone a scare. Ha ha.

Well my attempt to think of something exciting and/or interesting to write about failed. Probably since my head is so stuffed up it just may explode.

* song of the moment: Matt Nathanson - Wide Eyed and Full *


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