Monday, July 07, 2003

Today I received a request for an update. So here goes. You'd better read this Kyle. Ha ha.

Another paper deadline is creeping up on me again. Oops. Didn't I promise myself I would do it before hand this time? Oh wait. That's what I've promised myself every single time anything has been due for the past 5 years. Right. That's ok. I still have a whole week. Lots of time.

I just noticed that most of my sentences are either long and run on and never seem to stop regardless of what I'm talking about and I seem to have a lot of commas and by the end of the sentence you realize that you've been holding your breath the whole time and that you have already forgotten what the beginning of the sentence was even talking about. Or else they are short. What can you do.

I've been having some crazy dreamage lately. It's strange because usually I don't remember my dreams at all. Last night it involved me having to rescue all these children from some sort of explosion. All I know is I woke up very sad and I'm having a hard time shaking the feeling. Still. At 1:30 in the afternoon. I think I liked it better when I didn't remember the dreams. Meh.

So on Saturday I had one of the best days since I moved here. There is absolutly nothing like jumping into a lake on a hot summer day. Honestly. I also got to shoot a pellet gun and eat cheese curds for the first time in my life. Which apparently is quite a travesty. Plus, I got to go to a party where there was a grand piano. I've decided every party should have a grand piano. And of course someone to play it. Someone who doesn't mind you asking them to play the ending to Layla 5 times in a row. Ha ha.

I'm having a bit of a dilemma deciding if I should go to Guelph for the weekend. Making the mental pro/con list in my head. Well I guess it depends on a few things.

Anywho. This post was going to be nice and brief and has turned into an mental excuse to take frequent breaks from my database.

* song of the moment: Counting Crows - Raining in Baltimore *


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