Saturday, June 12, 2004

My cat just slashed me with his claws. Now I have two very attractive scratch lines from the side of my nose onto my lips. What did I do to deserve such meanness from my kitty?

Don't really have anything to blog about. Just thought I would. The light bulbs in most of my house have burnt out, so I was doing homework last night by candlelight. Maybe I should go buy some today. I also started reading The Lovely Bones. No one told me it was going to be this sad. I started crying while I was on the bus! Then I pretended there was something in my eye and looked out the window. Smooth Emily.

Ok how do you put pictures in posts with this new blogger?

* song of the moment: John Fogerty - Center Field *


At 5:09 PM, Blogger Seasaidh said...

Aww....the Lovely Bones is such a good book.

At 1:28 AM, Blogger Joming said...

post pictures in posts, eh? I've tried that thang out, and i've failed. miserably. it just plain didn't work for me... but maybe you'll have more luck. I do think that it requires you getting a new blog for just pics though.
But if you want to put a couple pics up here and there, try It's pretty good. after you upload pics, just copy the location of the image, and paste it into your blog. ahhh, geekygeekygeeky. But yeah, ask me if you need help. ;)

At 12:09 PM, Blogger Shmemily said...

thanks! I actually downloaded this "hello" program which would work really well if there wasn't a glitch with some systems. Mine included. :)

At 4:30 AM, Blogger Joming said...

yeah, i downloaded it too... I was so incredibly excited, like you would not believe!!! but alas, technology has failed me. :( so sad.


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