Thursday, September 02, 2004

Twenty-three whole days without a whisper of an update from me. How have you all survived? What's that? You say your lives actually do go on without a daily dose of useless ramblings about the trails of Shmemily. Goodness gracious.

When too much time passes you forget how to update well. Let's see what we can do. Step one - Think of an exciting opening sentence (without using too many cliches). Done. Step two - Recall an exciting story or anecdote on life to share with the readers. Ummmmm. Well at least I got Step one down. For the life of me I can't really remember what I've done the last 23 days. Well today I moved. Mostly. And I now have a balcony. One I can climb out my window onto. Isn't that one of the most exciting things eva?!? Wow. I'm so excited about that. And the constant flow of people.

Now I'm sitting at the library on campus, half waiting for people to come online (I'm going through msn withdrawal with my computer in surgery), and half reading the sports section of the globe.

Oooh. I went to the zoo. There's one thing I did. It was supacool. I also went camping. That was supacool also despite the constant rain and guimauve stealing by the 'coons. I watched the Ring. That was NOT supacool. And another thing that was not supacool was my pink eye. Again! Almost the same time as last summer too. I'm sure I did other exciting things. Feel free to make up an exciting story about pirates or cowboys or knights and insert my name.

I always wanted to be Laura from Little House in the Prairie. Strange that I just thought of that.

* song of the moment: no song. to sleepy for singing. throat hurts too *


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