Monday, October 11, 2004

While I enjoy my chocolate splurge I thought I'd post an interactive post. That's right. In my effort to procrastinate I came across a game for blog-readers. So please aid in wasting of time. I'll expect everyone who reads this entry to post a request. Even if I don't know you. Really. I love excuses to procrastinate. Here's the game: You tell me what you want to see pictures of (things from my life etc.) You can request specific things like "pile of clothes on the floor" and "bedroom doorknob" or you can ask for abstractions like "favorite guilty pleasure" and "something I borrowed but did not return." And no. I will not post nakkid pictures of myself. Or anything of that like. Otherwise I'll try to fulfill your wishes.

Lotsa fun! So you'd better join in! DO IT!


At 10:48 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

A picture of you writing your favourite word with permanent black marker on tissue paper.

It's specific cause I thought you'd need a challenge ;)

At 2:32 PM, Blogger Seasaidh said...

uh....your...worst nightmare?

At 9:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how about a pic of you doing your favorite visual trick (or you can just stand on your head) :)


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