Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Disclaimer: I am in a bad mood. Anything written here cannot be held against me.

La freaking da. Ironic that my first real post in a long time starts on a bitter note. Meh. So is life. On a happy note I just got back from a really nice walk in the dark. I like walking in the dark. We giggled lots in the dark too. That's also fun.

My dad cancelled the one time (if that) a week supper we have together tonight. His excuse was "well I didn't really buy any food". Pretty damn weak if you ask me. Go out and buy some freaking food. Gawd damn. Sometimes I forget who the parent is. Anywho. That's gripe number one. Can you even use gripe that way? Hopefully I didn't use it in the 'strong pain in the bowel' way.

Gripe number two. I've fallen out of touch with some of my friends lately and it bugs the hell out of me. I guess there are various reasons for that. And I guess that's what time does. But it's still frustrating.

And heeeeeres gripe number three. School. That's the same old eh? I just find regardless of the amount of work I put in nowadays I still get shittay marks.

After three comes four. 511.2km. That's far. And in my current mood I can't foresee that changing all that much in the near future.

Gripe number five. Don't really have one. Damn I just ate the last timbit I had been saving for the end because it looked so good and it tasted like it fell on the damn floor. That can be gripe five.

What a bitchy post. Let me think of something happy to end with. Hmm. I had a pretty good weekend. Kyle was here. Was kinda sick but what can ya do. Got to be Rogue. Which was fun despite my last minute laziness on my costume. Word on the street was that I was still hot. So that makes up for it.

* song of the moment: Indigo Girls - Galileo (mmm... such a good song) *


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