Sunday, January 16, 2005

Exciting few days for astronomy geeks. The Huygens probe was launched from the Cassini spacecraft and has successfully descended onto Titan (the largest moon of Saturn). They're getting back some of the first pictures about the colour and composition of the surface of this huge moon. Titan has always been a kind of mysterious place since astronomers aren't quite sure what lies under the thick layer of clouds. I think it's crazy cool stuff. I suggest you check it out even if you're not a space nerd like me. Exploration of the unknown is always fascinating.

And on to something less thought provoking and more cutesy, I was just browsing the Guelph Humane Society page (tee hee) when I came across some new kittens they have. They're orange tabby and 8 weeks old and oh do I want one. And I just might. 2 cats doesn't cross the crazy-cat-lady boundary I don't think. Plus kitties are so cute! Ha ha. We'll see. Mebbe tomorrow I'll be more rational about it. Mebbe not :)

Well since I can't think of anything else since I spent the whole day yesterday watching movies and eating, it's back the old grinding block.

* song of the moment: Broken Social Scene - Stars and Sons *


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