Sunday, April 03, 2005

This morning I woke up oh-so-very confused. Added to the fact that I was having a weird dream about being bitten by this giant lizard, I woke suddenly to my alarm and looked out the window. Freaking snow storm!! There is at least 15 centimetres on my steps. And it continues to blizzard. I think southern Ontario forget it was April 3rd. There's no way I can wear my sandals now.

I had a mini-nervous breakdown about our 4th year Enviro Sci project yesterday. I'm the one compiling it and I realized we had soo much left to do. So I'm heading off to the lib now to work on it. Library on a Sunday morning. No cartoons for me! I can't complain that much though because there is only one week left of classes.

I know it's been a while since I updated. But honestly school is the only thing I do at the moment. Soon I'll be full of stories about being unemployed. Ha ha.

* song of the moment: Sarah Slean - California (just because I saw a girl on the bus the other day that looked EXACTLY like her) *


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