Only twenty more minutes to go before the long weekend. Finally going to get some good old camping in. Depending on the weather. But I have a feeling it's going to be gorgeous. * knocks on wood*. Well regardless I'm planning on having a GRRREAT time.
I really haven't posted much of late - there is no good reason for that, I just don't feel like there is anything to say. I'm enjoying my summer very very much though. Yeah. I just wrote a whole paragraph and re-read it and ended up erasing it. Writing has been frustrating to me lately. I can't figure out why. Meh. I'm not too worried. Although my final exam is coming up and hopefully I can write then. Ha ha.
The line " and every time she sneezes I believe it's love ", from Anna Begins has been stuck in my head for some time. It's great. GRRRREAT! Wow. I've been doing too much busy work. My mind is going. It was really funny today. I was folding filters for a few hours and after a while I looked out the window and had a good 10 seconds of complete fear where I forgot where in the blazes I was and what I was doing. It was hilarious. I was so damn confused.
Ok. Christina is going to be picking me up in a few minutes. Pretty excited for the road trip. Listenin' to tunes with the windows down, the world flying by - the best thing for a hot Friday night of a marvelously long weekend.
* song of the moment: Sloan - the new one (it's too bad the radio station always introduces it like that - I have no idea what the real name is ) *
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