It's snowing out. This morning it was lovely and warm and a bit rainy but still a good day nonetheless. And I get out of classes 4 hours later and it's below zero and snowing! Aiee. But my cat is keeping my lap warm now. And I'm sitting here doing nothing when so much should be done. Watching time tick away on the last Monday of the semester. I'm so excited this semester is almost over. It's been a doozy. Then Christmas holidays. I feel like a little kid I'm so excited. Yesterday I went home and played Christmas carols on the piano. Ha ha.
On another note Kyle has been nominated for Rookie of the Year in his baseball league. Good job :)
Alright I suppose I should hit the books. Once exams are over I promise I'll blog like I've never blogged before.
* song of the moment: Jackson Browne - The Pretender*
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