Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Alright. I thought it was time to get that drunk post off the top of my site. I'm just chillaxing in the staff workroom right now. Just ate supper and am getting ready for evening program. Our dishwasher broke today so we're all eating off paper plates and cups. It's really quite funny. And ironic considering we're an outdoor education centre. Oh well.

Today was another gorgeous day out. The sun was shining strong the whole day - my face even got sunburnt. And I was toasty warm through the billion layers I now wear everyday. And I just watched a gorgeous sunset. Aren't suppers off wonderful?

So guess what? I cut my hair. Yes you heard me right. Emily. The girl with the long hair. Ha ha. Now I'm just being melodramatic. Natalie cut it for me Sunday. And it's pretty short. Well maybe medium. It sits on my shoulders. But I put in pigtails today and they were itty bitty things that just stuck out under my ears. It was exciting. My head feels so light.

Well I should get back to my lab report. School is always there to haunt me. Even when I'm technically "off". But I should get it done. Considering after this weekend I am here working straight for three weeks until the 6th of February. I'm going to be a bit sick of the school by then. Next weekend though I think my dad and sis are coming up to go skiing here. So that should be fun. Alright done with the ranting. I just remembered chocolate brownies are for desert. Must run and get a good one before the children get them.

* song of the moment: well I haven't heard anything new lately but I was cranking my Sarah McLachlan - Fumbling Towards Ecstasy last night. *


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