Wednesday, December 03, 2003

It's 2:31 am. Do YOU know where your children are??? I know that despite the fact that I'm tired as hell, I can't sleep. So blogging I shall go.

I'm glad everyone enjoyed the 100 things so much. Now it's YOUR turn. Muahaha. You heard me. It's a good time. Really. So is Snood. I've redicovered the good times of Snood. Ah, first year. When our entire alcove had Snood wars and anytime anyone had something due you could be sure to find them playing Snood.

So we've had our first few real days of snow. I'd have to admit that it does look quite wonderful. It covers everything in a nice clean layer. If it hadn't been so cold I would have played in it. Maybe later. Ohh. Some tackle-snow-ultimate-frisbee is in order I think. Once exams are good and done. Which is less than a week. And technically I've already passed all my courses. So la de da. Take that courses! Yeah.. I've got nothing. Oohh. Joming is sending me pictures.. going to look...

* song of the moment: Simon and Garfunkel - Sound of Silence *


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