I've been up insanely early this morning because course selection for the fall and the summer started at 7am. Aieee. And I have a ton of conflicts (that I have mostly worked out) and I didn't get accepted into some courses (which I wish I had mostly worked out ). Oh well. The 2 days I'm home for March Break are going to be days of appointments. Carrying around forms and getting signatures everywhere.
So now I'm sitting here in the work room, listening to Coldplay, and figuring out my bank statements, emailing various faculty at the university, and drinking tea. And my entire life next year is strewn about me in the form of schedules, course descriptions, and little pieces of papers I've written interesting courses on. I think I'm going to come back to university sometime to take things I'm interested in. Like german, and music and english and apiculture and this cool course I just found about energy.
Also I would just like to brag that I just spit out a 13 digit ID that is on my library card by memory. It's amazing what you actually remember when you're not thinking about it. Maybe I'll write my work report on Maple Syrup. That's probably something I should have started before we tapped all the trees. Whoops :) Well I've got to grab some breaky. I think I'll sit and eat with my kids. Grade 5's this week. They're so cute. I love it. Except yesterday on my hike when I kept falling over because these two girls that never left my side kept bumping into me.
* song of the moment: Coldplay - Amsterdam (since it's in the CD player) *
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