When I sit down to think of what to write about I always have such a blankout . Then I have a billion things that run through my head and when I try and generalize them and condense it down it's nothing. Alas. Here is some more nothingness. And Jon now you have to update - it's part of the deal.
Pretty much all I've done this lovely Saturday is eaten. And drank hot chocolate with whipping cream. And chatted it up with Mr. Sytsma and Mr. Grinwis. And now I'm cuddling with my kitty. It's been a good day. I had a lot of work to do but since I've decided to drop the course I was taking while working I have nothing. And it feels great. Woohoo.
So tomorrow I go back to work for three straight weeks. No weekends off. It's going to be tiring but a lot of fun. Plus it will be good for my bank account that currently has 43 dollars in it. Ha ha. We're also going up early tomorrow do get some non-kid skiing in. Should be nice with no crying, whining children complaining about the cold. Well it's not that bad most of the time. You get into some good conversations with them. I really like talking to 12 year olds sometimes. You forget quickly how you thought things through as a kid. It's good to look at things through their point of view sometimes.
* song of the moment: John Mayer - Love Song for No One *
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