Wednesday, November 03, 2004

As I was walking home from school today, contently listening to my walkman and the calming voice of Colin Hay, a car on the street next to me swerved a little out of the way. The car in the oncoming land in turn, had to swerve slightly to accommodate for it. Besides a little bit of tire squealing and some hand gesturing, nothing really monumental happened. But it hit me; what if the car had swerved just a metre to the left, say to avoid a larger animal, or the car in the oncoming lane had not been paying attention. A huge crash maybe? And I was walking right by. I could have easily been smashed into. And then (since I overthink everything) I started thinking about what if that last bitchy blog post had been my last post ever. Those who read it would have their last memory of me like that. And I was (in the oh so eloquent words of Strong Bad) weirded out! Ha ha.

So I shall write some happy thoughts. For each post I write from now on. Just in case I get hit by a car on the way back to class. You never know.

Happy Thought #1 - It's fall (fall makes me happy regardless of anything else).
Happy Thought #2 - I got back my audit and it's all cool. The government is not taking money from me! Huzzah.
Happy Thought #3 - I've rediscovered the enjoyment of walking while listening to music. Combining two really good things together.
Happy Thought # 4 - I have happy, exciting, scary (in a good way), adventurous events that are going to be happening in my life in a short while.

* song of the moment: Snow Patrol - Run *


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