Perhaps the greatest picture ever taken of me. It's all the chickadee.
What a fun weekend. Let's recap. Last week shmemily = very stressed and pulling hair out and having daily fits of hysterical laughter from tiredness and overall not grood. This week shmemily = just as much work but oh so less stress. In the spirit of looking at things positively, I guess the plus to having a boyfriend far away (or only 4 hours 15 mins if you're driving super fast) is the fact that you forget about your other stressfull life when you go visit. And how.
Oohh. The story for the pictures. On Saturday we went on a lovely afternoon hike (which makes us sound like old people but I've been on nature "walks" old peoples [and young people's] hearts would stop from - so take that). Anywho. We got super close to a nice big pileated woodpecker (think woody [the woodpecker]) - it's crazy to think that spending countless nature hikes at "work" searching for them I should run across one when I'm not looking. Saw some porcupine remains. And an old lime kiln. And the best part ... fed chickadees. So cute! They eat right out of your hand (and/or your head).
The rest of the weekend was good times too. Well until the crippling migraine that had me stuck in Ottawa until yesterday. But the good outways the bad.
Do you realize that it's only three more weeks of class?? Aiee. I could just die in excitement. Despite the fact that we have to right exams after these three weeks. While this semester has been nice because I'd had actual class classes and not all distance, they have been craptacular ones. Next semester will be good. I can feel it. Plus it's the last!
Going to steal some of Rob's pink lemonade. Mmm. Post a comment. Say hi. Or anything at all. I miss all my readers :)
* song of the moment: *whine* I have no new good music *
hiiiiiiiii shmem! your tagboard don't work no more. wheee! nice pic, btw!
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