Sunday, April 10, 2005

There are some guys downstairs getting WAY too excited about golf. And I just woofed some pasta, cheese, and mushrooms down so fast I got insta-heartburn. Good thing there are lots of tums in the house. Only 4 finals, 1 take home, and 1 more project till I am (hopefully) done my undergrad forever. Aye tis exciting.

I was supposed to start this blog a specific way. Now I've forgotten. Something like... speaking of celebrities I would sleep with... There we go. Got to hang out and have coffee with Jonny G today for a while. Good times ensue. If I happen to get stuck in Guelph this summer (which I hope will NOT happen) he's going to help me out with one of the things on summer to-do list. That would be the learning to skateboard part of my list. Not the becoming a master chef or mad sewer. Can you even say sewer without it meaning an actual Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle sort of sewer. Maybe I should learn that before I start proclaiming myself as one of them.

Only 6 days until I'm in Ottawa. Mmmmm. On that note I'm going to have a quick nap since I was suddenly hit with the drowsies. Then work work work! Sorry I don't have anything more exciting to report at the moment :)

* song of the moment: Damien Rice - Cannonball *


At 7:54 PM, Blogger Seasaidh said...



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