While playing around on the computer the other day I came across something that brightened my day. I plan on going to teachers college and I found an Outdoor and Experiential Education teachers college program. It was the best news ever! Wow I was happy. So now I'm going there in three years. It's strange finally having a plan. Provided I make it in. It is hard to get into the Queen's teaching program, but if I get a teaching position for my next coop I'll have some more experience. Yay!
I'm sitting here waiting for my plans for the first official school Saturday night to be told to me. Hmmm... waiting... and listening to Matt Nathanson. I just found out he was in Toronto in the summer. And I missed him! Boo-urns! Wow this post is just full of exclamation points! Oh. I also found out that I got an 83 in my DE course instead of a 70. Woo hoo for that too! Ok. Enough.
* song of the moment: Weezer - I Want a Girl *
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