Saturday, April 30, 2005

Here's some blog worthy news. Tom Cruise is dating Katie Holmes. How gross is that? First of all, he's 16 years older than her. Secondly, he's gross. Come on Katie - you can do better. I have a strange obsession with celebrity news and gossip. It's odd. And unhealthy.

I apologize to all my (now non-faithful due to lack of update) blog readers. Life really has been throwing things at me lately - both good and bad - and I've just not had the time, nor the spirit to update on it. But here I am now. Sitting in the library at school even though I've graduated. Huzzah to that! Undergrad 0 Emily 1! Muahaha.

The last of my furniture gets moved today. My back is so sore I can't handle it. Ok. Going to enjoy the internet at the library before I return to my house of no phone and no internet and no fun.

* song of the moment: Death Cab for Cutie (sorry I forget the song name) *


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