Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I think I'm going to start putting up work on the fridge again. I remember how proud I used to be when one of my drawings or stories or math worksheets got to go up, and I liked that. One good thing about being back in high school *ahem* I mean teachers college *ahem* is all the great comments that get written on my work. In uni, if the prof wrote a comment, it was usually brief and not legible and something that could be classified as 'constructive criticism'. However, here I am getting all these happy, self-esteem boosting comments. It's great. Stupid that it makes me smile but still. It's the brown-noser from days past in my I suppose. It's like the teachers are trying to make us forget how hard university was and just give us a lot of praise so we'll pass it on to our kids. The other day it was 'you should be proud of this work'. Today's sticky note that is going up is "Wow!!! This is great writing, Emily!!". And I didn't embellish any of those exclamation points.

By the way Jess, I think the idea of a shared journal (yes like the traveling pants) is a great idea. We had that sort of a concept at one of the flats I lived at, we all had access to it and everyone coming and going (which were a lot of people) wrote in it whenever they pleased. There were some great stories in there.


At 3:30 PM, Blogger Seasaidh said...

Hahahahaha those exclamation points made me lol. That's awesome.
I knew you'd be in!!! Hourrah! Effy wants to do it too, so I'm going to send you guys an e-mail soon.

At 4:08 PM, Blogger Shmemily said...

Sweet. Hey remember that really dorky embarrasing club we made that summer at Awenda? I forget the the name...

At 1:26 PM, Blogger Seasaidh said...

We never named it, that's why!
It lived on as the "As of yet unnamed club of people who write stories". HAHAHA!!


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