Thursday, August 15, 2002

Howdy there everyone who happens to be reading this...

This officially starts my very first blog, enjoy all. You'll have to excuse the lack of witty comments, I'm sitting in a room filled with every thing I've ever owned. Moving out. Finally. Although at the moment I have a fear that my possessions are going to suddenly attack me. Death by stuffed animals. That would be pretty funny actually. Well not for me. Moving on...

So I called the internet dudes today, and they ended up trying to sell me a cell phone. What is this world coming too? Really. I mean. Cell phones are the devil. They'll be the death of us all. Me bitter?? No...

On a happier note..... well I've got nothing. I don't have tuberculosis. Woohoo.... yay me!
Well that's it for now, signing off. Today is kick an Australian day. Have fun. Don't kick too hard.