Monday, December 27, 2004

Zo-ster is being all cute and sleeping in my closet among my shoes.

My sis gave me the new U2 album. I don't understand all the criticism. It's good stuff. My fav song is Miracle Drug. I just read this blurb about the song and what inspired it. And it almost made me cry (because I'm like that). Bono: "We all went to the same school and just as we were leaving, a fellow called Christopher Nolan arrived. He had been deprived of oxygen for two hours when he was born, so he was paraplegic. But his mother believed he could understand what was going on and used to teach him at home. Eventually, they discovered a drug that allowed him to move one muscle in his neck. So they attached this unicorn device to his forehead and he learned to type. And out of him came all these poems that he'd been storing up in his head. Then he put out a collection called Dam-Burst of Dreams, which won a load of awards and he went off to university and became a genius. All because of a mother's love and a medical breakthrough."

My blogging is being interrupted by exciting moments in the hockey game. So nice to have hockey to watch again for a while. Watching it on my new DVD/TV combo. Oohh. YAY! Go Canada!!! We're winning. More Christmas shenans to be updated later when hockey is not on.

* song of the moment: U2- Miracle Drug *

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays all!!!

Sunday, December 19, 2004

It's colder here than it is in Ottawa. Boo-urns!! Going down to -35 tonight. Yuck.

I'm done the semester finally. D-O-N-E DONE! Such a great feeling. So nice to be able to plan a day around sleeping in and watching tv and going to visit people. Man. And then only one more semester and I'm free to be free. I'm just so excited you wouldn't believe. Enough about that.

So at the moment I'm searching my brain and my room for some way to make money in the next few days. Any bright ideas?? Mebbe I'll sell some of my old more embarrassing CD's. Like the Dawson's Creek Soundtrack. Or Primus. Anyone want to buy half a package of lifesavers??

I'm so distracted from the Simpsons.

* song of the moment: Christmas Carols! *

Monday, December 13, 2004

I was just hit with a bout of intense drowsiness. Bleugh. I think it's because for most of the day I've been in the basement. With my books. Good fun. At least I only have one more to go.

Really nothing to say. Hanging out in O-town. Nice and snowy here compared to the G-spot. Been on a few nice hikes through the woods. Now I'm just here hanging with Miguel and the computer.

Gots nothing more. Excited for some people.. like Jessimica to be home for Christmas soon. Yay for catching up!

* song of the moment: Rufus Wainwright - The One I Love * ( I can't remember if that was last time's song.. but hey.. I like it)

Monday, December 06, 2004

I'm sitting here with a half smile on my face. Just sitting here. And there is no real reason I should be smiling.

Just saw Garden State after waiting forever. Worth the wait. I really enjoyed it. Bits of it made me laugh really hard. And bits of it made me cry. I won't spoil it for anyone. But go see it (just to warn you there is some sap involved - not chick flick sap - more indie chick flick sap if that's even possible). Anywho. Two thumbs right up. Plus the soundtrack is just great.

There was a line that was said in the movie a a few times. Basically the just was - this is life. What you're doing right now. Procrastinating or eating marshmallows or whatever. There's nothing to wait for, this is life baby, and you're in it. So just do want you want to do or what makes you happy or feel good because why the hell not. And it totally just hit me. Even though it's pretty damn simple. I think I forget that sometimes. I plan out things that are coming up in a week or a month or a year or whatever. What about right now? That's life. I think my goal for post-university (I realize that's being hypocritical because I'm planning not to plan - sue me) is going to be just that. Live life just the way it is and be happy about it. Live where you want when you want doing what you want and it that doesn't work - who cares. Because this is all we get.

Well this smiley girl is going to bed. Finally.

* song of the moment: Coldplay - Don't Panic *

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Here's a story for everyone. Background - Emily is not having a good day and she finally goes to choir and gets in a relatively giddy choir mood and then goes out drinking and gets relatively drunk and is walking home in the dark, enjoying the nice time alone. Enter - green minivan, holding possibly 3-5 assholes. Cue Scene. I got f-ing hit in the head with a drink cup from McDonalds (drink included)! Luckily, the screaming out of the window of the minivan distracted me so I had turned my head and slowed down a bit - otherwise I would have been covered in pop and even less pleased. Now here is my question to you. What compels people to do this? Here I am. A girl walking home at 11:30 all by herself in the dark. Was this guy thinking - Yes. Let's throw pop at this poor girl. And if so. WHY THE HELL??? Man. People really are mean.

Ok. I'm over it now. That rant helped nicely. Ima lie down with the new Gilmore Girls episode and fall asleep. Gilmore Girls + Beer. Should be good.

Tee hee. Jessimica put the silly mad libbies we did on her site. Go read them. They funny.

I got me a big ole' knot in my stomach today. Not quite sure what that is all about. I keep having to remind myself to take deep breaths and not get all supatense.

On second though I have nothing to say. Studying time. Peace out.

* song of the moment: Sarah Slean - California *

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Two posts in one day. I-karumba. Mostly it's just a way of not studying for water chem or stratigraphy. My eyes can't handle my kitting right now so blogging it is!

One of my lilies opened up and it's making me smile when I look at it. So perty. Ooh. Tonight in choir I stood beside the guy who looks identical to the lead singer of Pilate. I pretended it was actually him. I'm silly.

Well that's pretty much all I have to say. Gonna go eat some zookies and drink some grape juice.

* song of the moment: Pilate - Shadow on the Take *

Such a funny moment this morning in my boring-as-hell 8:30 class. Although my sis is really the only one who can appreciate it in it's fullest hilarity. We've been camping at the Pinery every year since I was a wee thing. At the Pinery visitor centre there are kiosks all around that have little movies you can watch to learn about the animals, or history or any of the like. Anywho, there is this one kiosk where you learn about the glaciers and the Great Lakes and it is presented with some "swing your partner round and round" music. And holy crap for brains guess what movie we watched today in my stratigraphy class. Ha ha ha. It was soo awesome. I wanted you to be there Hilary!

I guess that story isn't so funny after all to anyone but us. Meh. Happy December everyone! 4 days 20 hours 30 minutes till exams start. Aieee. On that note I'm going to study. Or fill out this survey that Jessimica sent me. Be forewarned all of you on my emailing list.

Don't forget to dosie-do!

* song of the moment: country twangy stuff *