Tuesday, April 29, 2003

I want to marry John Mayer. Moving on. This is going to be my last post before I go to Ottawa. For all of you who I haven't bored with stories about my life, I've decided I want a bit of a change of lifestyle and am therefore not taking my computer with me. I have a stack of unread books, a bunch of art supplies, my guitar, my bike, and my camera. We'll see what happens. I'm taking an online course so I will have to go to the library and write reports and such, but I won't be in the situation where the first thing I do when I get into the room is turn on this blasted computer.

Going to go have coffee with Bec in a few minutes, looking forward to it. I feel like for my last post in Guelph for the next 4 months I should have something profound to say. Yeah, I'm still sitting here waiting for it. I emailed the Big Sisters today, because I've wanted to help out with their association for a while. So hopefully I'll have a "little sister" (other than Hilary) starting in the fall. If my criminal check comes through clean. Just kidding.

So that's all I'm going to say for now. Play safe everyone, and if you are in Ottawa come and visit me!

* song of the moment: Beatles - Rocky Racoon *

Monday, April 28, 2003

Goodness gracious me (yes I did just turn 80 thank you). I forgot a song of the moment. That must be rectified.

* songs of the moment (to make up for the forgetfullness): Tragically Hip - Fireworks and Grace, Too *

I'm currently on hold with Rogers cable, and they're blasting cable and internet propoganda into my ear. So as of 9:32 today I'm a fully liscenced maniac - I mean, driver. Although the man who was testing me tsk-ed at me at one point. That was somewhat intimidating. Perhaps he was just sneezing. I'll tell myself that.

Sunday, April 27, 2003

Should I be worried???

Mean lil fellow, arn't you?

What Monty Python Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Well. You learn something new every day. So it's T minus 4 days until I relocate myself to Ottawa for the summer. I'm actually really looking forward to it. I think I've already mentioned that but it's my blog so I can mention it all I want. So I'm really looking forward to going to Ottawa. There! I mentioned it again. Head pounding - must sleep.

* song of the moment: Gary Jules - Mad World *

Today I drove Karen to camp and on the way home I had a bit of a revelation. On the way home I was speeding (not too fast) along, the windows wide open, enjoying breathing in the fresh spring air, hair blowing everywhere. The radio was on and I was belting out full throttle Alanis Morissette. Well I pulled up to a red light and across the road from me was a woman waiting in her car also. Her windows were up, her hair in a crisp, spotless do, talking on her cell phone with a disgusted look on her face. And it hit me.

I'm happy.

I mean, my life is far from perfect, there are many parts of it I can't stand at all. And there are parts of it that I wish weren't there. And there are times I feel the whole world tumbling down around me. As is life. But I'm happy with how I am, with how I think and act and live and what is important to me and I believe in. I'm happy I don't care that I'm messing up my hair while I drive down the highway singing at the top of my lungs. I have things that I want to accomplish eventually, like Europe, and I will. And I'm happy with that.

Further down the road I again was stopped at a red light. This time the man beside me was in a shiny, sleek black car, also talking on a cell phone (notice a pattern?), with his bald spot clearly concealed so he didn't have to deal with the reality of growing old. At this point I had calmed down from the banshee screaming of Alanis and had moved on to some good old Neil Young. So I'm tapping an imaginary drum that is my steering wheel and nodding my head to the music (if you haven't noticed I am the least self conscious while in the car). He man turns his head, and catches my eye, and shakes his head disapprovingly. And I was thinking, listen buddy, leave me alone. I'm happy.

* song of the moment: tunes playing in my head *

Friday, April 25, 2003

Just got back from a coffee with two of my old buds from high school. Now I'm giddy. There is something about seeing people that you haven't seen in ages. I don't know. People that you were young and stupid with (not that I'm not young and stupid now). You don't have to worry about being someone else, because they know who you are. You can just laugh. So here I am. Being giddy.

The weather outside is beautiful. Finally we have something that resembles spring. Huzzah for that. I think I'm going to join a fencing team in the summer. That's my exciting news of the moment. Better get back to packing up the room.

* song of the moment: U2 - Angel of Harlem *

Thursday, April 24, 2003

I'm feeling pretty mellow-ish right now. I was outside in the sun for a while today so I have the almost-burnt-face, hazy, sleepy feeling. It's kind of nice.

Today I was reading about this site that puts up people's blogs who have passed away. That seemed strange to me, the day to day writing of someone, and then all of a sudden nothing. I mean. When they were writing "got cut off in traffic today" or "was mad that I was overcharged at the grocery store" they had no idea it would be their last. Like this blabbering could be my last. The very last record of my entire exsistance could be me talking about my almost-burnt-face. Scary. But also at the same time, I guess it would be nice for the loved ones of the now-silent blog writers to have something to read. Maybe find something they didn't know about the person. I don't know. It just really made me think.

So I'm packing my stuff again. Goodness. I certainly do have a lot of personal belongings. Although my books in themselves seem to take up most of the boxes. Damn the books. (I always expect the sarcastic half grin that goes with saying things like that to come up in my writing - but somehow it never does).

* song of the moment: Coldplay - Everything's Not Lost *

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

What is with the archives? Really?!?!

Well I'm home all alone now. And I keep hearing noises. And I highly doubt the John Mayer and Hayden I'm blasting will scare anyone away.

They've revamped Girl Guide cookies. I'd have to say this ex-Girl Guide isn't a huge fan of them. Although they are filling my sweet/chocolate craving at the moment.

I have a house for the summer. *applause*. The guy who is subletting his room to me said it was a "fun house". I'm not sure whether to be excited or a bit worried. Apparently Ottawa is a fun place in the summer. I'm looking forward to it. It's going to be wierd for me. I mean, I've lived in the same town my whole life. Not in the same house, and life has certainly changed with the coming of University life, but I've still been in Guelph. Comfortable, familiar Guelph. Where even the homeless people are familiar. So it will be strange. But a change of pace will be good for me I think.

I just finished re-reading Into The Wild. It was even better the second time. For those of you who don't know, the Coles notes version is that it's about a young man who sells all his possessions and treks out into the wilderness of Alaska to find himself. It honestly makes me want to drop it all and immerse myself in nature.

So the Leaf game last night made me want to cry. Literally. Bawl.

* song of the moment: Pavement - Major Leagues *

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

I'm hanging out at the 'ole library. La de da. (I'm also bored if you didn't get that). So I just finished my last exam. Let the fun begin! *waiting for fun*. Nope, nothing yet. Just sitting in a half empty computer lab listening to the printer. And talking to Kevin. Yay Kevin!

Right. The only thing that is in my head at the moment is mid-ocean rifts, and subduction zones. Not interesting blog-related things.

So right now the housing in Ottawa is looking like a box. Maybe a big box - with lots of windows,and a door to walk through, and a nice high ceiling. Dan Bern is a cool dude.

A funny thing happened to me in the shower yesterday (that's a strange start to a story). Anyway, I'm showering, having a good time, enjoying my procrastination from studying, when out of nowhere, this crazy hornet flies at me. This was the devil hornet! It was flying at my from all angles, and I'm trying to fend it off with my conditioner bottle. Well, this hornet sits himself on the ceiling of the shower, so I'm thinking ok, I can keep my eye on it while I finish up. I don't know if you've ever tried to shave your legs while keeping close attention on a (devil) hornet. Well, let me tell you, it's quite hard. So eventually I finshed and stepped out of the shower. I looked down and there was blood gushing out of both heels. At this point I just started laughing because I was standing there dripping wet, bleeding, and watching the stupid hornet. So my housemates think I'm crazy now. Well anyway, it took my a good LONG time to stop all the bleeding. So the moral of the story is... not sure.

* song I would be listening to if my computer was not broken: Cat Stevens - I've got a thing about seeing my grandson grow old *

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

My day just instantly went from horrible to wonderfully stupdenous! Jess just called me :) She's having a great time out in ole Charlottetown. Her Katimiva-team is living in a very small house right now, but apparently once she moves to Manitoba it will be much smaller. Yeah. Well that conversation cheered me up.

Today I was very tempted to try to jump through/over a train. The reason was that I had been waiting for the SLOWEST train in the world to pass as I was walking home and then it stops. Right in the middle of the track. So I sized it up, and decided I could easily climb over it. So I'm all ready. And then I look over and a women is in a minivan with her numerous children. And they are all watching me. Like there is any way I can do it now. I mean. What if those children decided it would be cool to try to climb over moving trains and then died! That would be horrible. So I waited, and my nose got cold, but it was worth it.

Only one more day of classes, and then finals, and then two and a half sweet freedom weeks. I want to go canoeing sometime during my time off. Anyone want to come?

*song of the moment: John Mayer - Comfortable*

Tuesday, April 01, 2003

Why is publishing temporarily unavailable???

As soon as I turned on my computer this morning there was a message from Rob, "have you looked out your window yet today?". So I did. And guess what? SNOW. And I was like 'cool, snow.. oh wait a second.. we've had snow for the past 5 months and it has just finally melted'. Yeah. Well maybe it won't last long.

Tonight is going to be great. My lab final is over and Clare and I are going to get pretty crazy. Huzzah.

Well speaking of my geology lab final, I really should get to that. Tschus.