Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Here is something you guys might have seen but I thought it was neat nonetheless:

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.

Ha ha. Funny. Speaking of funny. Today in earth material science our prof (who speaks in a very harsh dutch accent) was trying to explain to us how the composition of magma changes from the top of the oceanic lithosphere to when it goes down. Anywho. He's up there at the front, explaining it to us, when he pulls out a chocolate bar. He said "...the two component system is like this candy bar. There is the cholocate. And then there are nuts." And he just kept going on and on using this candy bar analogy. It was hilarious. I couldn't stop from giggling. It was funny. Believe me.

Ok. As I trampled through poison ivy for most of the afternoon I'm going to shower.

* song of the moment: The Ventures - Green Onions *

Thursday, September 25, 2003

Excellent. I've moved the archives down to the bottom. Muchos besser! I finally finished all the stats on my work report so I'm rewarding myself with an update. Today was a lousy day - I was so sick. Not cool at all. And I missed all my classes. Oh well. What can ya do. However I was around to get a call from the supervisor at Mono Cliffs where I'm trying to get a job. I've been corresponding (stalking) her for some time now and she said she's checked out my references and everything looks good. So I basically have the job! Huzzah! I just have to answer some of her questions about team building and programs and then I'm in. What a nice addition to a horrible day.

Apparently my blog has now been posting on Jess's site telling her to update it. I'm not quite sure what that is all about.

* song of the moment: Lisa Loeb - Stay *

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLARE!! ( I know it's not your birthday for another 24 minutes - but I'm sleepy)

* song of the moment: Happy Birthday ;) *

Jess's message reminded me of a funny story from high school. We were doing a river study in outdoor ed and using the Mighty Speed River to get our numbers. One of the calculations required a measurement of the width of the river so I volunteered to trek across the river to get it. After all it's only a few feet deep right? Right. But there is one thing about this particular river - there are small concrete blocks through it, making little waterfalls at certain points. Waterfalls with a strong current. And for those of you who don't know me, I'm a bit of a klutz. We maybe more than a bit. I sometimes fall down while just standing. Anywho. So there I am, walking through the water, and I walked right by one of these blocks. That was the end. First I lost my balance. Then I fell in. Then I went under. Then I went over the waterfall. Yes. It was a good time had by all (except me). So I went back to class soaking wet and stinking like fish.

Hmm. Was noch? Today seemed like it went on forever even though my soil lab was short. And so easy. Chris, Mark and I were working together and Mark was in a particularly giggly mood so we mostly just goofed around the whole time. And poured water into soil. Again good times had by all.

I can't stop eating Dunkaroos. And my cat is walking all over the keyboard. So... hard... to... type...

* song of the moment: Powderfinger - My Happiness *

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

I fell in a river today. I felt that worthy of a post.

Monday, September 22, 2003

Evidently my non sentient blog is telling me to update it. Most excellent. As long as it doesn't start sending hate mail to my house or making anonymous phone calls to my house I'm cool with that.

Alright update time. It's a Monday. I'm tired. But I had a really good weekend. Kyle came to visit me. Yay. Tried to show him a bit of Guelph but it's hard to look at it from an outsiders perspective. It turns out I went to highschool with his cousin. Small world. Lately it seems I'm actually putting people's names in my blog, whereas I used to keep it anonymous. Hmmm. That's the second time I've said anonymous so far in this post.

Oohh. Here a link to a Lord of the Rings spoof. This girl (who is a genious) writes it in the perspective of the characters. Funny Stuff!!

It's pouring down like mad crazy out there. It's hard to believe October is going to be here soon. Already. As we say every year, every month, every time there is a change in the seasons, every time the world starts to look different. Where did the time go. Life passes quickly.

My kittycat is getting angsty and jumping around the room. Must be the weather. Going to get some celery and cheeze whiz and to cuddle with him (my cat) before attempting to dive into work. Hopefully this post will suffice for my antsy blog. Enjoy the rainy evening everyone.

* song of the moment: Wide Mouth Mason - The River Song * (That's the name of the song Kyle)

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

A guy that I was sitting beside on the bus today was having a rather in depth conversation about his ex-girlfriend with his rather uninterested neighbor. He said "... breaking up is like quitting smoking. You can't take another drag...". Strange metaphor. Although I guess it is to be expected of any guy talking about how his (ex)girlfriend was using him for sex, in a volume loudly enough that the entire bus, and maybe even people walking by, could hear.

I skipped my first class today. And it turned out we had a practice quiz for the real pop quiz Friday. D'oh! Now I have to figure out what in the blazes is going on. But on a better note my soil lab was only 45 minutes as opposed to 3 hours. Woohoo. And we got to play with things I saw used all summer. Double woohoo!

Well as I came home to get some work done I should probably start that up.

* song of the moment: Billy Joel - Piano Man *

Sunday, September 14, 2003

Wow, it is humid outside. My breathing is laboured and I'm sitting at my computer typing. And I know I'm not that out of shape. Maybe it's the pages and pages of numbers that I have no idea how to manipulate for my work report that's making me out of breath. Not cool at all. I'm sure it has the potential to be a great report. I just can't understand what I'm writing about. Ha ha.

So I FINALLY have my kitty. He's my new best friend. Except when he decides to wake my up at 5:45 by walking on my face. But he's a cutie. He's sleeping right now in a little alcove in my dresser. Awww..

Jess had this on her site but I thought it was pretty funny (all in good fun - no offense meant):
If I were a [feminine] gay man... by 38886
Your name
Your Gay Man NameRodrigo
Your Gay Man OccupationCanadian Priest
Your Stereotypical Gay Man TraitSpelling boy with an i
Your Gay Man Music of ChoiceJ.Lo
Your Gay Man Cause of DeathChased down by Catholic mob
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

Hmm. What else. I had a plethora of things to talk about (secretly I just wanted to use the word plethora). I went bowling last night and I was not as horrible as I imagined myself being. It was a happening place for the not-yet-old-enough-to-use-fake-ID teens.

Hmm again. This imood thing on my site is fun. They have some pretty crazy moods. Like salty and exotic. How exactly would you feel salty or exotic?

* song of the moment: Jason Mraz - Sleep All Day *

Thursday, September 11, 2003

I feel like I should update simply because the first week of school is almost over and I have yet to write about it. Even though I feel the furthest from an updating mode. Let us see. So class has started again. Busy busy. Coop is crazy. Textbooks are expensive. Campus is busy. Yaddi-yadda. Although on a happier note it is really great to see everyone again.

I saw a guy today wearing a shirt that said "Made in Ireland" and it made me sad.

Forcing happy thoughts now. I'm getting my kitten at 3:30 tomorrow!! Yay for that. His name is currently Lou but that's going to get changed to Zooey. Yes I'm a nerd. Ok. Enough for now. Must pick sister up from choir.

* song of the moment: Badly Drawn Boy - Camping Next To Water *

Saturday, September 06, 2003

While playing around on the computer the other day I came across something that brightened my day. I plan on going to teachers college and I found an Outdoor and Experiential Education teachers college program. It was the best news ever! Wow I was happy. So now I'm going there in three years. It's strange finally having a plan. Provided I make it in. It is hard to get into the Queen's teaching program, but if I get a teaching position for my next coop I'll have some more experience. Yay!

I'm sitting here waiting for my plans for the first official school Saturday night to be told to me. Hmmm... waiting... and listening to Matt Nathanson. I just found out he was in Toronto in the summer. And I missed him! Boo-urns! Wow this post is just full of exclamation points! Oh. I also found out that I got an 83 in my DE course instead of a 70. Woo hoo for that too! Ok. Enough.

* song of the moment: Weezer - I Want a Girl *

Friday, September 05, 2003

It is 2 o'clock in the morning and for some reason I'm sitting at my computer, staring out the window at the lights of the apartments behind me, and daydreaming. I really should be in bed. Oh well. I can hear all the frosh screaming drunkenly from their pub night downtown. I passed all of the hooched-up girls stumbling around with linked arms as I was walking home. Besides that it was a really nice walk. As much as I love nature and outdoors and living away from the hustle and bustle of a city, there is nothing like a walk through the streets on a nice cool night. The streetlights placing a familiar glow on everything. I'm not sure why I love streetlights so much. I think it reminds me of playing out on the dark pavement when I was a kid, staying out to the last possible moment, getting in all the precious make believe time I could in the world that comes out when the sun sets.

Some cats just began a noisy and violent fight outside my bedroom window. That's a way to break the daydreamy spell I was under. Now bed.

* song of the moment: Dave Matthews - Where Are You Going? *

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Amidst the clutter and madness of my new room I came across an old copy of an Ontarion pamphlet that had a spoof article in it entitled Dr. Philbuster. I remember Clare and I laughing absolutely to death while reading it. Here is an excerpt:

Q: Do you have any advice on how to stop the rumour mill in the workplace? I work in a student newspaper at my university that employs people of a variety of ages. The younger employees start rumours about the older managers, which cause huge problems. Right now, I feel like I'm the target of these rumours. I love my job so what should I do?
A: A rumour mill could be the ultimate bane of any workplace existence because unlike a mill, it doesn't really produce anything positive like wheat or corn. Where is this rumour mill you speak of? Does it sit right near your cubicle? There are two major area I want you to address:
- Controlling the rumour mill
- Reacting to the rumour mill
Try to turn off the rumour mill by switching some sort of button on the back of the mill. Also, you're in a position to do some damage control, so remember to take your job seriously and not wait for the next opportunity to react. Trying to ignore the noise coming from the mill might make you go deaf.

Oh gosh, there is another one that's even funnier.

Q: My best friend of 10 years just decided to join the swim team. She worked really hard for 6 months to get into shape but I can't help but feel worried for her. During the past months she has been doing nothing but exercise. Some days she would run for 2 hours, then go swimming for another hour. I’m beginning to think she has made this goal into an obsession. How to I approach this subject without sounding jealous of her achievement?
A: Swimming can be a form of exercise that can be done outdoors and indoors, in both fresh and chlorinated water. The best part of swimming is that it's categorized as a professional sport and as a recreation that many families around the world like to participate in. Your best friend is in a crucial stage in her life, a stage that involves reaching her goals and swimming in chlorinated water. I'm not saying that the way to approach the subject is by sitting in the water; I'm saying that water is a wonderful place to view your own reflection. And when you finally see your own reflection then you'll see that your reflection is really just water and not your reflection at all.

Ha ha ha. I thought that was pretty funny. Anyway. On to boring life updates. I'm back in Guelph. And trying to sort through my stuff. It's fun though. Some good down time. And my father finally finished the bookcase he has been building me since I was eight. Yay! And it looks really nice. Lots of room for my books, which seem to encompass most of my material possessions.

Matt, Jon and I had coffee today. Well Matt and I had milkshakes, and Jon had coffee. It's nice to hear Matt's silly jokes and Jon's laugh. Makes me feel like I'm back home. They informed me that they actually read my blog and look forward to updates (that's why I keep mentioning their names *wink*). It appears I'm beginning to gather a bit of a following. Although I have yet to figure out why. It's just ranting and rambling.

* song of the moment: The Moody Blues - Emily's Song *