Saturday, May 24, 2003

Wow - I have rage. I just wrote a whole update and then blogger decided to have technical difficulties. Damn them!!! Well I guess I'll try and remember what I was babbling on about. But I'm really not wanting to put any effort in it.

First and foremost, I would like to wish a most wonderful birthday to Steve. Hope you had a good day chilling with your dad.

Back in Guelph for the weekend, so I'm sitting here visiting with my sister whom I have not seen in 4 months. We're sitting here, listening to music, eating ice cream sandwiches, and catching up on respective gossip. Then I'm going to catch up on a month's worth of tv shows. Wow - I'm a nerd. What an absolutely wonderful way to spend a Saturday night. Meh. Tomorrow I'm going out for lunch at the Marche though. Woo hoo.

I'm trying to think of some sort of funny story to write about. But apparently absolutely nothing funny has happened to me in the past few weeks. I got incredibly incredibly drunk a couple weeks ago, so I'm sure something funny happened then. But unfortunatly I don't rememeber a thing. Oops. The only thing I've been doing in Ottawa since I got there is working and watching hockey. Poor Sens. Although I'm really not a Sens fan *avoids rocks being hurled by Ottawa fans*, I wanted to see them in the finals. But now Anaheim better win. Damn New Jersey. But I do plan to get out and enjoy the city, when Karen comes up we'll go be tourists. It'll be fun. I spotted a really cool looking music store when I was on the bus the other day.

The weather outside is so so nice. I want to go camping. Right this moment. Screw work and everything else. Anyone want to join me?

* song of moment: Kenny Loggins & Jim Messina - Danny's Song *

Friday, May 16, 2003

Hey hey everyone. Just thought I'd write a quick update - so you know I haven't absolutly fallen off the face of the planet. So here I am. Huzzah!

So I'm having a pretty good time here in O-town. Been somewhat sick for the past few days, but what can you do. Yeah. I really have nothing to say. Oh the boringness is astounding. Goodnight. Going to watch the hockey game.

Wednesday, May 07, 2003

Just thought I'd sign in and say hi. I'm in "my office" and not supposed to do anything not work related. Ha ha. Well my hand is sore because I've been grinding soil for 2 days. Yay soil!

Saturday, May 03, 2003

I'm sad. Just finished my last spring concert ever. I know I've been saying this for a while but this time it's for sure. I'm going to miss choir like crazy. It was only when the final song had been sung, and in the magical silence that just follows a piece of music I realized how much I was going to miss it. So people ask me, why are you leaving? But I don't think they realize how much older I really am than the rest of the choir. And sometimes I can really tell the age difference. But that's not stopping me from feeling incredibly sad at this moment. There are still people I am going to miss to no end, and there is nothing like singing with a choir you know, singing music you like, with a conductor who you are incredibly familiar with.

Just before I left, I went and said goodbye to Linda. You can't imagine how strange it will be not seeing this woman every week. I mean, I've seen her every week since I was in grade 5. That's a long long time. She's seen me when I was a shy little girl, an immature teenager, and the whatever I am now twentysomething. And some of my most beautiful moments, moments where the world had made sense and right and good have been in her presence. We got to talking about how the choir is going to BC next year and depending on what I'm up to I might tag along. And as she was leaving she shouted "see you next year!". And Mandy yelled "you're never going to be able to leave." And I think that might just be true. Because as much as I try, I keep coming back. But for sure I won't be there next fall, and that is making me sad.

On a different topic, I seem to be having a pattern of writing 2 paragraph blogs so I'm trying to change that. Tomorrow starts my summer life, living in a basement in a house that seems to have an indefinite number of people. Yay!

Well I'm off to watch the hockey game. I think I might try to catch one while I'm in Ottawa. Unless of course, they lose this round. Which I secretly hope they do (Sens fans please don't stone me!). It's not that I'm being un-patriotic. I'm rooting for Vancouver. It's just I'm a newfound fan of Philly. And Keith Primeau. Who ever said hockey players were't hot?

* song of the moment: a bit of every song I just sang running through my head all at once *

Friday, May 02, 2003

Got back to Guelph bright and early this morning after being in the van for over 12 hours. Gosh. It was a good ride though, my dad and I had some intense conversations about what's wrong with our society, and how we're on the path to total destruction of our natural world, and how it seems like there is very little we can do. But that's not going to stop me from trying.

I'm excited about my new house. I moved in all my stuff yesterday, but have yet to unpack or anything as I am back home to sing in a concert this weekend. After moving half of my belongings my back decided that 3 days of moving furniture and boxes just wasn't cool and now I'm dealing with an incredibly sore lower back that makes me walk like I'm 95. But as we were leaving my neighbourhood we passed a HUGE used book store. I'm in heaven!

* song of the moment: John Prine - Spanish Pipedream *