Sunday, November 30, 2003

I’ve come across these “100 things about me” pages that people have on their blogs. And since I’m supposed to be studying and trying to find something else to do it seems like a perfect alternative. So here you go.

100 Things About Me

1. I was born at 3:58am on a Wednesday.
2. Probably every person I have ever met has commented on my name.
3. I have blueish eyes that change depending on my clothing or how much sleep I’ve received.
4. There is also a yellowish ring around them that freaks some people out.
5. I’m 5’10.
6. My sister who is three years younger than me is almost 6 feet tall.
7. I don’t know my weight because we don’t have a scale.
8. Music is very important to me.
9. I’m pretty sure I couldn’t live without it.
10. I'm going to Europe when I graduate.*edit* I am NOW in Europe!
11. I have been looking forward to it since high school.
12. I’m still not sure I’ll ever come back.
13. I love hockey.
14. I wish I could play.
15. I love to sing and have been doing it for as long as I can remember.
16. I will continue to do it until I die.
17. It is one of the things that makes me truly happy.
18. I have a horrible memory.
19. That gets even worse when I drink.
20. My friends are very important to me.
21. I’m afraid of basements.
22. I had an unhealthy obsession with U2.
23. Especially The Edge.
24. When I was 8 I ran away.
25. And got as far as the next block.
26. I then locked myself in the bathroom and decided I would run away to there.
27. I’ve moved 6 times in the last 3 years and about to move again. *edit* up to 9 in 5 years - don't think that's so bad though
28. Out of these 6 times, 4 have been in the same town.
29. I once broke my nose by running face first into a glass door.
30. I also broke my toe by kicking a wall.
31. The only other things I’ve broken are fingers.
32. I started playing piano before I was 4.
33. I love to write.
34. I hope to have something published someday.
35. When I was young I had 9 consecutive hamsters that were all named Skippy.
36. I now have a cat named Zooey.
37. I’m getting a degree in Environmental Science. *edit* Done and done...
38. Then I hope to teach Outdoor Education.
39. Although I’d be content being a stay at home mom.
40. I don’t tell a lot of people that.
41. I’m a klutz.
42. Which is ironic since I danced for the better part of my life.
43. I have long brown hair.
44. I'm learning sign language.
45. In high school I was embarrassingly addicted to Dawson’s Creek.
46. I love cottage cheese, olives, chocolate ice cream, and grape juice.
47. The smell and sight of beets will make me vomit.
48. I don’t get along with my mother very well.
49. That makes me sad.
50. I’m in love with Ewan McGregor.
51. I used to waitress.
52. I once split my hand open on a piece of glass during work and didn’t notice until someone pointed out all the blood.
53. My ears stick out.
54. I want to live near water.
55. I love to read.
56. Picking my favourite author is impossible, but I like Douglas Coupland, J.D. Salinger, and Timothy Findley.
57. My sister and I used to set up a vegetable stand on our sidewalk.
58. The most we ever made was 11 dollars.
59. I get sick a lot.
60. I’m not a girly girl.
61. Although I do like to dress up sometimes.
62. I hate picking favourite musicians since I have a different one everyday.
63. I have one tattoo.
64. I like it and might get another.
65. I’ve been a vegetarian since I visited Better Beef in high school.
66. The best response to that fact has been “well that’s a shame”.
67. I ended up falling for the guy who said that.
68. I love the outdoors.
69. I went to my high school prom with one of my best friends.
70. We accidentally wore the same colour dress.
71. I’m a huge Star Wars and Star Trek nerd.
72. I don’t have any grandparents and we don’t talk to many of our other relatives.
73. When I was a kid I was jealous of my friends with big extended families.
74. Rumour has it I have some Native American blood in me.
75. I hate getting black on my fingers from newspapers and I also hate cell phones. *edit* Oops now I own one
76. I love stargazing.
77. I had braces for 5 years.
78. I tend to be quiet in a group of people.
79. With my close friends though I’m far from quiet.
80. I used to be Catholic.
81. I’m unsure about religion.
82. I can’t wait to have children.
83. But I don’t plan on settling down for quite a few years.
84. My dad calls me Emi.
85. He and my friend Bec are the only ones allowed to do that.
86. I wear my sandals as much as I can, it’s only when it snows do I stop.
87. I like traditions.
88. I love rainy, cloudy, thundering weather.
89. I think life would be better if it were a musical.
90. I’m a packrat.
91. My favourite thing when I was a kid was playing in the sprinkler with my sister.
92. When I’m older I want a cottage.
93. I’m a bit of a slob.
94. I ran track and cross-country for 7 years.
95. The only real scar I have is on my elbow.
96. I got it from a girl taking me out at the plate in softball.
97. I once got knocked out cold while playing capture the flag.
98. This happened because the boy I had a crush on tripped me and I hit my head on a garbage can.
99. That’s a funnier story now that I think about it.
100. I get really excited about life sometimes.

Thursday, November 27, 2003

Well I'm officially skipping my first ever Arcady concert. Great. But I just wrote 2 lab exams, and it's really foggy out, and I'd miss sound check anyway. And I'm dead tired. I'll be able to sing in the next one though - so hopefully it will all work out. *sigh* Man. I'm so frazzled. Right now I was just trying to figure things out and talking it over with my dad and I just lost it. I need the night off. Ok. Moving on...

I have nothing else to say. Ha ha. I'm so excited about being done soon. And going on holiday's. Yay. Hmm.. That's a happy thought. I'm going to hit my soil physics on that note. So I can get some real sleep tonight.

* song of the moment: Coldplay - In My Place *

Monday, November 24, 2003

It's snowing out. This morning it was lovely and warm and a bit rainy but still a good day nonetheless. And I get out of classes 4 hours later and it's below zero and snowing! Aiee. But my cat is keeping my lap warm now. And I'm sitting here doing nothing when so much should be done. Watching time tick away on the last Monday of the semester. I'm so excited this semester is almost over. It's been a doozy. Then Christmas holidays. I feel like a little kid I'm so excited. Yesterday I went home and played Christmas carols on the piano. Ha ha.

On another note Kyle has been nominated for Rookie of the Year in his baseball league. Good job :)

Alright I suppose I should hit the books. Once exams are over I promise I'll blog like I've never blogged before.

* song of the moment: Jackson Browne - The Pretender*

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

I took the long way home today. Walked all the way following the river. And it was wonderful. I am definitely going to live near water when I have a house. It is a must. My walk was simply wonderful. I even contemplated going and sitting down by the river and listening to it for a while. But I could not so I kept walking. Past old stone houses on the water, with red canoes tossed up on the grass for the winter. Past the bridge that goes to nowhere and the bridge that goes to somewhere. Past old willows with their branches testing the water. When I got home my cheeks were red, my nose was dripping, and my left shoulder hurt from my backpack but I was feeling incredibly more relaxed compared to when I started. So I suggest all of you take the long way home today. It is worth it.

* song of the moment: Pachelbel – Cannon in D major *

Monday, November 17, 2003

I just came across this. It's quite entertaining.

We at Book-A-Minute understand that your time is valuable. You want to experience the wonder and excitement of the fine art of literature, but reading actual books requires a significant time investment. We've got the solution for you. Our ultra-condensed books are just the ticket.

Here's one for Tuck Everlasting:


I love you! I'll do anything for you!


Drink the water.



Ha ha. The Movie-A-Minutes are also a good time. Oh the things you find when you are procrastinating. I just overheard my dad talking to my cat and he was calling him "kitty". It's funny because we never actually call him by name. The other day I went to do it and it actually took me a few minutes to remember what it was. Ok. Random thought over.

* song of the moment: Alisson Kraus - I'll Fly Away*

Sunday, November 16, 2003

The way to start a day is this -
Go outside
and face the east
and greet the sun
with some kind of
or chant
or song
that you made yourself
and keep for
early morning.

The way to make the song is this -
Don't try to think
what words to use
you're standing there

When you feel the sun
you'll feel
the song too.
Just sing it.

and you'll be
one more person
in one more place
at one more
in the world
hello to the sun,
letting it know you are there.

If the sky turns a color
sky never was before
just watch it.

That's part of the magic.
That's the way
to start
a day.

- Byrd Baylor -

I've been sneezing all day and now my nose is running. Damn! Well I guess it's been a whole month and a half since the last time I got a cold. Which is only a long time if you're me. I'm not a normal person. I get sick all the time. It's getting quite ridiculous. What can ya do?

Ooh. Watch the new Harry Potter trailer. Do it! It looks good. Huminah. But alas it's coming out in June. 8 months is a long time before to release the trailer. Meh.

I'm eating carrots again (I think it's a bad sign when you start discussing eating habits). But seriously, I go through so many carrots, I'm going to start turning orange. It's possible. That and Cheeze Whiz and celery. Mmmm. I promise I'll write a better, unrelated-to-food blog soon once I'm less busy and more inspired.

* Sneeze * So 33 Aberdeen got a cat. Seven guys and a cat. Ha ha. I think it's quite entertaining. Hopefully the poor thing doesn't get too traumatized. Just kidding. Hmm. Maybe I'll go to bed and screw this work. * Sneeze* Damn.

* song of the moment: Lou Reed - Take a Walk on the Wild Side *

Friday, November 14, 2003

I just walked to the very top of the library and now I'm out of breath. How pathetic is that. I-karumba. Today I've decided not to take advantage of my 2 hour break and I rented a laptop and here I am. Sitting staring out the window. Enjoying the view. It was worth the walk. Even though half of my field of view is covered by a giant crane. Guelph and their construction. Now I want a laptop. So convenient. Especially with this new wireless thing we have going here. Good times. It's still snowing. Pretty crazy eh?

I'm in a mood today. And have been for a few days. Yeah.. That's all I'm going to say about that.

Yesterday in Plants we had a really great lecture. Steve talked about Ethnobotany and I was really enthralled for the entire time. It's been a long time since I've been so interested in a lecture. Maybe Ethnobotany is my calling. Spending a lifetime of eating mushrooms and having crazy hallucinations. Ha ha. Seriously though, the First Nations people have so much knowledge, I think it's really great that we are starting to catalogue it, to keep it safe. Once you lose something like that it's impossible to get back.

Well maybe I’ll actually start reading all these articles on potash. Or continue to waste my time fiddling around the internet.

* song of the moment: some Aqualung that is stuck in my head *

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Heads up Boyne folk (although I'm not sure any of you read this). Guess what I found. Here is hint. Ding Ding! Did you guess? HERE COMES THE SHITMOBILE! Wow. I can't believe I stumbled upon that. I'm sure the rest of you have probably seen this forward before. But you have to understand that us Boyne-ers laughed for hours straight. STRAIGHT. It was the funniest thing any of us had ever seen. And from that day on we all decided to do crafts in EVERY lesson because we could come up to the workroom afterwards and laugh at the mess our kids called art. We're so mean. But it's so hilarious. Things like that keep you sane when you teach. So here it is. Enjoy all.

My cat smells. I tried to give him a bath. Ha ha. That's all I'm going to say about that. Choir calls. Must brave the rain and thunder. Woohoo!

* song of the moment: Frank Sinatra - It Had To Be You *

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Woohoo!!! Pictures!!!. Thanks a lot Chris. This is from our earth material science field trip to Bancroft.

In other news... hmmm. There is not really anything. Just watched Gilmore Girls. Going to work some more on my plants soon. Today was a really nice day, I actually walked home from campus, and stopped by to visit Rob on the way home. Anywho. Perhaps I'll write more later. Check out the FAQ! Ha ha...

* song of the moment: The Ataris - Saddest Song *

Monday, November 10, 2003

I'm listening to Alice's Restaurant by Arlo Guthrie. Man that's a long song. All 24 minutes of it. And my baseball cap is squishing my head. Either my head has grown or my baseball cap has shrunk. It must be the first. All the information I'm cramming up there. Seriously though. Where does it go? I'm afraid I'm going to run out of space soon. Maybe that's why I have such a bad memory. All this stuff just keeps getting pushed out.

Great weekend. What can I say. Great times. Friday I got there nice and early so I had a chance to watch Kyle play some hockey. Then we spend the evening drinking beer and watching the hockey game. Saturday we checked out all the crazy decorations in one of the buildings on campus they had set up for the engineering formal. Each student has to put in over 40 hours of work. 40! That's a lot. But it was really amazing. Then we did some book shopping, went out for dinner and saw the Matrix. And were woke up at an insanely early time in the morning from all his housemates coming home from formal and throwing darts at his door. Sunday was a nice lazy day, we had to go out once because his friend needed someone experienced to pitch for a biomechanics project and asked Kyle since he's a superstar.

Now that I've bored you with details I'll move on. Meh, it's my blog. I'm allowed to be boring if I'd like. And use bad grammar. Take that. Less than a month left until Christmas break. Can't start counting down yet though, there is far much to get accomplished. I can't help feeling excited though. Alright. My flouristic inquiry is not going to write itself. Is it??? IS IT????

* song of the moment (still): Arlo Guthrie - Alice's Restaurant *

Thursday, November 06, 2003

Just thought I'd through a quick thought up while I was waiting for supper to cook. And waiting for my hair appointment. Huzzah. Haircut time. The last time I got a haircut was over a year ago. I think it's about time. Enough about haircutting.

Going to Kingston in 14 hours, 49 minutes, and 33 seconds. 32. 31. Ok. So I'm excited. I've also managed to get rides for both ways so the two way ride is going to cost me just over 20$. I'm so thrifty. It's all about bumming off people you barely know. And smiling when you do it.

Last night when we were out for drinks with a few choir folks I had a self-analyzing moment. Whenever I'm with a group of people I don't often talk. And I don't think that's due to reasons that people would normally assume. I'm not that shy. I'm not embarrased. I just don't talk. For no reason it seems. It just never crosses my mind to open my mouth. I'm very happy just sitting there and listening. I think it makes other people awkward. They feel sorry for me and try to include me, not realizing I don't mind. I've decided that it's not a good thing. I (sometimes) have interesting things to say and I should force myself to talk. Well that certainly was a long drawn on babble about nothing. Just one of those self deprecating moments. Ha ha.

14 hours, 44 minutes, 19 seconds. 18. 17...

* song of the moment: Jack Johnson - Lullaby *

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Wow is my blog ever persistant. Alright. Here I am. Blogging. And doing laundry at the same time. And also eating carrots. Mmmmm.

Even though today was an incredibly long and busy day it still was a good one. We got to spend a few hours in the afternoon walking through a forest. And perfect weather too. Rainy and foggy and just crisp enough that your cheeks get redish. It's amazing how much I love being in a forest. Any forest. Just being in there with all the trees, listening to the wind, relaxes me to no end. Our prof was talking about what constitutes a forest, aspects that define it. We talked about the general ones, like trees and communities of plants and wildlife and such. And then at the end he brought up spirituality. And it's very true. It's something that is present for a lot of people, and probably overlooked more often than not because it's something we are unable to quantify, we can't set up plots and transects and decifer in numbers what significance it has. But I think it's definitely one of the important aspects. Anyway. Ranting.

Oh I'm so very tired. I think everyone is suffering from the over-tiredness-we-finally-finished-midterms-and-still-have-a-million-projects right now. I think that is perhaps the longest hyphenated word I've ever made up. I'm a fan of hyphenated words. They're funny. Can you tell I'm tired? Someone called me E-diddy the other day. I laughed for a long while. E-diddy. Ha ha.

* song of the moment: Rufus Wainwright - I Don't Know What It Is *