Tuesday, May 10, 2005

My body hates me. Every summer at some point (and usually coinciding with another random sickness I have) I get pink eye. Guess what I woke up with this morning!?!?! What am I, like 6 years old? Arg. El pink eye has grasped me again. And it's served with a side of gross flemmy cough and runny nose. So my task for today is now to find a walk in clinic, and put job hunting off another day. Although I do think I shall continue applying online. Since they can't see the grossness that is me.

Well hopefully I didn't turn everyone off with my yuckyness.

I am off on a rollerblading-scapade today to good old Ag Can to meet up with the Freund. Should be a good time since it's so warm out. Then the season finale of the Amazing Race. Woohoo!

Crazy bizarre dream of last night involved me being interviewed for a weird job by the girl from Wonderfalls. Then we had to follow this underground/underwater maze where we were each assigned our own colours. Mine was gold and I kept getting mad because I couldn't really see the lines. Must stop the crack before bed.

My new housemate has just informed me that the closest clinic is on campus. Now to pretend I'm an Ottawa U student. Hmmm.

* song of the moment : The Wonderfalls Theme *

Thursday, May 05, 2005

I am now an official citizen of the city of Ottawa. Go me! My bike is securely locked up outside, my Emily the Strange poster is on my wall, and my toothbrush is in the bathroom. It's only uphill from here my friend. The only thing missing is my dear kittycat. But he must spend the summer in the G-spot without me. Oh and I forgot to pack any sort of towel. What's wrong with my head? Apparently I'm just not going to shower all summer. That'll be great.

Today on the highway 3 cars crashed RIGHT beside us. It was really exciting. The funniest part was the last car in the slam was a tow truck that just wasn't paying attention. His front end got completely smashed up too. Must have felt dumb calling his tow truck friends.

Tomorrow I am going to find a job. Hopefully. I'm going to give myself a week to get one before I start to panic. I'm afraid tomorrow I'm going to have to mooch grocery money though. It's kind of upsetting being broke. But it was my decision to move to Ottawa and pay rent with no income so I can't complain too much. Plus I'm excited about the summer! Summers in O-town have only treated me well in the past!

I thought that when I graduated I'd have this great feeling of accomplishment and happiness but I'm disappointed that I don't really feel that way. I mean I feel relieved but more than anything I just feel an absence of stress. There's this lovely void. I guess my brain doesn't know what to think after 18 years of school. That's hella long.

Back to the leftovers and peanut butter chocolate chip cookies.

* song of the moment: Anything from the Phantom of the Opera *