Saturday, July 19, 2003

This morning I sat down at my sister's computer, put on a nice warm hoodie (it's cold), and was looking forward to talking on msn for the first time in 3 months (yes - I'm a nerd - no need to remind me). And alas. There is absolutely no one online. Right. That's because it's 9 o'clock on a Saturday morning and the only people that are awake are market-bound, sunrise-walking keeners and nerds trying to take advantage of being home for the weekend.

I've decided to get better this weekend. So when I go back to Ottawa on Monday I'm healthy and rearing to go. Hear that body! No more being sick! That should do it. I was just trying to think about what to write about and NyQuil jumped in my head. Because I took it the other night for the first time in my life. But that's not anything interesting. You know you should stop writing when the only thing you can think about is taking NyQuil for the first time. Ha ha.

Last night on the train a smelly, many-chinned man decided to befriend me. Not that there is anything wrong with holding a conversation with the person you're sitting beside. But when the person has headphones on, is half asleep and is varying between hacking up a lung and blowing her nose, it's probably not the best time to spring up a conversation about genetically altered insects. Just a hint.

* song of the moment: Ani DiFranco - Not a Pretty Girl *

Thursday, July 17, 2003

Still sick. Blarg.

I'm supposed to be playing in a softball tournament today. Which I don't think is going to be happening. Unless they really need me (and by me I mean the minimum requirement of females). I can barely breathe, let alone play any sort of half decent softball.

I'm so looking forward to some good Guelph time this weekend. Going to curl up on my green chair with my big blue mug and read. Mmmmm. It's funny how you miss home when you're sick. Maybe I'll cough a lot while going through Toronto on the train - give everyone a scare. Ha ha.

Well my attempt to think of something exciting and/or interesting to write about failed. Probably since my head is so stuffed up it just may explode.

* song of the moment: Matt Nathanson - Wide Eyed and Full *

Wednesday, July 16, 2003

I hate being sick. *sniff*

Monday, July 14, 2003

I think I might be allergic to corn. Every time I go out in the field I start to itch like crazy. Man. Anyway. Why did the chicken cross the road? I especially like Bush's answer: " We don't really care why the chicken crossed the road. We just want to know if the chicken is on our side of the road or not. The chicken is either with us or it is against us. There is no middle ground here." And Salvador Dali's answer: "The Fish". Ha ha.

Another Monday. But I had a good weekend so it's not as bad. Only 6 more weeks at my job. Everyone keeps saying that the summer has gone by so fast but I think it has felt very long. Not in a bad way. But I've been busy. I have a feeling the last month will just speed by though.

So my paper is done. Stamped and mailed in. Woohoo! Talk about a huge weight gone. Now I just have to worry about my coop work report. And my final exam. D'oh. That's ok. On Thursday I'm playing softball for a charity game. It's really quite unfortunate I haven't thrown a baseball in years. I foresee disaster. Ha ha. That's ok. Apparently the only thing expected of the girls is to show up, smile, "show a little leg", and maybe catch the ball once or twice. Hopefully I can handle that.

Oh. I thought of something funny. I guess it's a bit mean too. But still funny. Last night I came into my kitchen and my housemate was standing there with a box in his hand looking thoroughly confused. He asked me how to make French toast. So I said you needed eggs and then you put the bread in and soaked it etc. And then he said, " I want to make French toast", and I looked at the bowl he was using and the box and he was in fact making pancakes. And I replied "well you're making pancakes." And he said "well I want some French toast," and again I reminded him he was actually making pancakes. Wow. I had to try so incredibly hard not to laugh really hard. Poor confused guy.

* song of the moment: America - Lonely People *

Friday, July 11, 2003

A poem that I used to have taped to my binder in high school just jumped into my head for no particular reason.

The sun comes through plum curtains.
I said-
The sun is gold
in your eyes
It isn't the sun -
You said.

Mmmm. It makes me happy.

Moving on from that, my paper is almost finished. Only 675 words left. Not that I'm counting or anything. Then comes the weekend. Huzzah! It's a wonderfully dreary rainy day out. We needed one of those. I'm enjoying it quite a bit.

* song of the moment: REM - Endgame *

Wednesday, July 09, 2003

Apparently sitting at my desk staring blankly off into space is very enthralling. Or distracting. Because I'm pretty sure I just sat here for at least 5 minutes doing absolutly nothing and not even noticing it. Symptons of a paper due soon. I'm getting there. Slowly but surely.

Someone sent me an email survey yesterday. Usually I don't do them but I was looking for an excuse not to work so I filled it out. One of the questions was 'What is your biggest fear?'. And I honestly had no idea. I mean, I'm afraid of my basement, of heights to some extent, and of overpacking (yes I'm a freak), but none of those are really important fears. Maybe dying. Although I think everyone biggest fear is dying. Or dying without finishing what you wanted to do. Of having your dreams and wishes and crazy plans for life snubbed out. Depressing.

I'm going to think of happy thoughts now. Like raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens. And the weekend. Huzzah!

Oh, I encountered something funny the other day. Go to Google and type in "weapons of mass destruction" and then hit "I'm feeling lucky". It's a good time.

* song of the moment: Hayden - Dynamite Walls *

Tuesday, July 08, 2003

The past few hours was spent sitting crosslegged on the floor putting stacks of journal articles into alphabetical order. I almost couldn't take the excitement. Wow. But now I'm back at my computer. And trying to get my left leg to join me again. Ahh. Pins and needles.

I'm choosing to ignore my sore throat. There is no way I'm going to get sick. NO WAY! Especially with this paper due. I'm going to work on it a lot tonight. Stay at work super late. Damn.

Why didn't I bring my computer. Maybe I'll try and mooch off a housemate. Or not. Ha ha. I might just fall asleep writing it though. I slept for only a few hours last night. Blarg.

So the decision is Ottawa for the weekend. Woo hoo. Ok. More journal articles. Aren't I a soil technician?


* song of the moment: Fuel - Bad Day *
(ha ha. I had the strange compulsion to spell it "Feul". Remember that Jon? Probably not eh? Well at the time it was hilarious.)

Monday, July 07, 2003

I've rediscovered the spoof ads over at Adbusters. They're a good time. Check it out - Spoof Ads.

Hmm. Some technical difficulties here. Plus there is some girl giggling uncontrollably in the hallway. Yikes.

Today I received a request for an update. So here goes. You'd better read this Kyle. Ha ha.

Another paper deadline is creeping up on me again. Oops. Didn't I promise myself I would do it before hand this time? Oh wait. That's what I've promised myself every single time anything has been due for the past 5 years. Right. That's ok. I still have a whole week. Lots of time.

I just noticed that most of my sentences are either long and run on and never seem to stop regardless of what I'm talking about and I seem to have a lot of commas and by the end of the sentence you realize that you've been holding your breath the whole time and that you have already forgotten what the beginning of the sentence was even talking about. Or else they are short. What can you do.

I've been having some crazy dreamage lately. It's strange because usually I don't remember my dreams at all. Last night it involved me having to rescue all these children from some sort of explosion. All I know is I woke up very sad and I'm having a hard time shaking the feeling. Still. At 1:30 in the afternoon. I think I liked it better when I didn't remember the dreams. Meh.

So on Saturday I had one of the best days since I moved here. There is absolutly nothing like jumping into a lake on a hot summer day. Honestly. I also got to shoot a pellet gun and eat cheese curds for the first time in my life. Which apparently is quite a travesty. Plus, I got to go to a party where there was a grand piano. I've decided every party should have a grand piano. And of course someone to play it. Someone who doesn't mind you asking them to play the ending to Layla 5 times in a row. Ha ha.

I'm having a bit of a dilemma deciding if I should go to Guelph for the weekend. Making the mental pro/con list in my head. Well I guess it depends on a few things.

Anywho. This post was going to be nice and brief and has turned into an mental excuse to take frequent breaks from my database.

* song of the moment: Counting Crows - Raining in Baltimore *

Wednesday, July 02, 2003

Now not only do you get to read about the exciting and intriging life of Emily, you also get to check the weather forecast. How multifunctional. Although I'm looking outside and the ominous grey clouds are not exactly agreeing with the "partially cloudy" forecast. Meh. Hopefully we'll get a good thunderstorm.

So happy Canada Day to everyone! Huzzah for living in Canada! Hilary and I went downtown for the festivities, got a taste of how mad crazy Ottawa is on Canada Day. Man. It was fun though. Well mostly. Until I got sick. But she had a good time I think. She went and saw The Guess Who, and a few other bands, and saw the fireworks and the whole nine yards.

What a crazy weekend. Good crazy. But still crazy. Ha ha.

I went swimming in Mooney's Bay and I don't seem to have any ill side effects so that's good. What else. It was super nice to see Hilary. Sister's are cool. Ha ha. Plus I don't have anyone around here to play cribbage with.

Ok. I give up. I'm leaving work early. I'm getting sick of this not-having-anything-for-me-to-do deal. Have a good night all. Sleep tight.

* song of the moment: Your Song (the Ewan McGregor version) *