Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Nut Snacker is the word of the day. I guess it's a phrase. Nut Snacker. NUT SNACKER!

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Snow!?!?!? What the hell eh? It's April 27th. I'm not a huge fan. Plus it's not cool when I'm sick. But today was a good day nonetheless. I say nonetheless a lot. But I digress. I decided today that I want to hike the Bruce Trail. Not all at once that is since it's over 800 km long. I want to make it a summer/fall/winter/until-I-can-finish project. I think it would be cool to be able to say you've hiked the entire Bruce Trail. Anyone want to join in? I need some hikemates.

So last night I had a very very very weird night of sleep. It's the closest I've come to believing in things like houses being haunted, ghosts etc. Here's the down low on what crazy things happened. First of all, I woke up in the middle of the night to my own screaming. What happened next happened while I was in that half-unconscious state when you just sort of wake up. I could hear a baby crying. Honest to god. It was one of those moments where you're right "remember tomorrow that I wasn't actually asleep while this happened". Then all of a sudden it felt like someone was banging my head around, my ears felt like my head was going from side to side. Then my legs just started convulsing and shaking violently. And I started screaming again. Really high pitch screaming. And while all of this was happening I was conscious of it but could do NOTHING to stop it. Then suddenly it just stopped. My head stopped shaking, legs stopped kicking, and the whole room was quiet. I'm pretty sure I've never been as scared in my life as I was that moment. I just lied there for the next hour or so too scared to do anything but breathe. So needless to say I'm freaking tired today. And a little intimidated about the possibility of going to sleep again. I have no idea what happened. It was either a really really vivid dream (which I'm almost positive is not), or I was having a seizure (which I hope not), or something else I don't even want to think about.

Anyhow. Maybe someone slipped something in my ginger ale before I went to sleep. Ha ha. I'm just going to laugh and ignore that whole fucked up night. Unless it happens again. Then I'm going to go sleep with Natalie in her room. Hopefully she won't mind.

* song of the moment: U2 - Running to Stand Still *

Friday, April 23, 2004

My nose, head, and sinuses are so stuffed up I can hardly think. It's been a while since I've been sick so I guess that's a good thing but I'm working this weekend so that's 14 straight work days when you're sick. Not fun at all. Well as long as when next Saturday comes along and I get on the plane I am in perfect health. Then I'll be happy.

Ha ha the boys are out on a night hike with a group of very drunk first year teachers. I can hear them on the radio being stupid. It's quite enjoyable. Paul just asked Jon where he was and Jon replied "Right here. I can see you." I have no idea what's going on out there. Glad I'm here holding down the fort. And sneezing every second. And my eyes are watering. Ok. I'm going to complain for a little bit. Jess was all nice to me today and petting my head and saying poor Shmemily. I appreciated. I just want to lie down in my warm bed with some quiet music and have someone play with my hair.

Freakin sinuses. I'm giving up and am just going to sit here and go off into a daze.

* song of the moment: nothing. no song. i'm in a crappy mood *

Saturday, April 17, 2004

This afternoon was quite interesting. I finally got out of my pajamas at 2 o'clock and decided to head out into civilization to buy some groceries. Seeing as the only thing in my house was soda crackers. So I'm walking along, through the old quebec street mall, oblivious to anything but my foot shuffling, when I see a tiny little girl with a GYS t-shirt. I looked up and the entire Guelph Youth Singers was there in the middle of the mall isle performing. It was bizarre. So I said hi to a few people, Linda included, and ended up hanging there for over an hour.

Then I headed out to actually buy some groceries and outside I ran into a high school friend I have not seen in years. So we chatted it up for a while. After groceries I walked back through the mall to see if the GYS crew was still there and Linda was about to rehearse group 4. So I sat down. Ha ha. I just can't escape from that place. It turns out they were singing this song I sang when I was about 12 and LOVED. I mean it was one of my favourite songs ever. And now I'm home finally with the groceries. Thus ending a more-eventful-than-I-imagined afternoon.

And now I'm going to get something to eat. Mmmm. And watch more tv. Ah the laziness that is the weekend. Yes. That was a rather "today I went to the store" sort of post but what can you do. Today I did go to the store.

* song of the moment: Song for the Mira (sung by the GYS of course) *

Monday, April 12, 2004

I just ate this candy that my dad brought me home from Italy. Woah. It was really alcoholic. The outside was this nice sweet flavour and then it melted and this crazy "grappa" was inside. Cough. My mouth is burning now.

My wonderful four day weekend is almost at an end. Right now I'm trying really hard to force myself to work on my work report which I realized I only have three weeks to work on. I still have a heck of a lot of field work to do still too. Aiee! I've spent most of my weekend bumming around - which was absolutely lovely! And last night I took a candlelit bubble bath listening to the sexy sexy voice of Josh Groban. I have not been that relaxed in a while. Mmmm. Josh Groban.

Thursday night was one of those drunk nights. You know those. The ones where you puke. And again the next morning. And again the next afternoon. We went bar hopping in the 'loo. I don't even remember half of the places that we went too. Or how I got home to the couch I was crashing on either. I did run into two high school friends though, which was kind of cool. Although I'm pretty sure I was hitting on one of them, and now I'm pretty embarrassed about that. I hope I don't see him anytime in the near future. All in all it was a good time though. I rarely get that drunk anymore so it was kind of fun. And finding bruises in the shower is always entertaining.

So on Saturday all I did was lie on the couch and sleep/watch tv. There was this neighbour girl outside though - playing some made up game with her little brother. I don't know why but I thought it was one of the cutest things ever. We have kids come up to the cliffs who spend all their time inside playing video games, or watching tv, or doing anything that doesn't require moving or seeing the sunlight. And it made me smile knowing some kids still play outside. Making up their own imaginary games. And singing at the top of her lungs. I don't even know why. Must have been the leftover tequila in my system.

Since I seem to be summarizing my weekend in detail I'll continue. Saturday Jessimica was home (woohoo!) and together with Mattro decided to go steal Jonny for his birthday and take him out. Jess and I even hid outside door and everything. I think we freaked him out when he stepped outside, two girls hiding in a corner, me with my aviators on and Jess with her hood over her head. Anywho. Good times ensued. A few more bruises to add to the collection.

And now it's Monday at 14:41 and I'm sitting at my computer playing with my cat and the Sims. Earlier I was looking at travel brochures and I'm really excited for my warm warm trip now. And I can get a tan! And wear my new bathing suit! Huzzah! Yuck, I have to go eat some chocolate to get out the taste of this grappa. Who likes alcohol that tastes like that anyway?

* song of the moment: Rufus Wainwright - One Man Guy *

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Hockey playoff season has commenced. Huzzah! And I just checked score and Detroit is losing. Muahaha. I really don't like them. Although the Habs were also losing. Which was sad. And TOMORROW begins the Leafs versus the Sens. We will reign supreme!!! Last season I spent most of the final few series on my dirty couch in my dirty fly infested Ottawa house. But it was good times all around.

Oops. Better get back to work. Must go shmooze some adults. More to come later.

* song of the moment: The new Alanis song I just heard on the radio (she cut her hair eh!?!?!?!) *

Monday, April 05, 2004

So full of subway. Sooo full! But so good :) Ha ha. Wassup dawg? My fanbase has requested an update so to calm the masses I will update. But my brain is foggy with the goodness of veggies and sub sauce. Jared Knows All.

*tear* Maple Syrup season has come and gone. *cue end cheesy music and credits* I have to say that for the past few weeks I was living on frequent sugar highs (and then subsequent frequent sugar lows) and that was messing with my sleeping patterns. And I'm kind of happy that now when I have "time off" I don't have to be boiling.

Let us see. The weekend was exactly what I needed. I didn't party it up hardcore or anything but I felt really relaxed when it was over. Went out for supper with Mattro and Jonny. Good times abounded. Plus the cartoon we drew on the tablecloth rocked :) ha ha. Then we went to the movies and argued about what movie to see so much we just ended up renting a movie. And I think I've convinced Jonny to come to the Messiah with me this weekend. Go choir nerds!

Only a few weeks left here at the cliffs. I have mixed feelings about then. Yeah... Well I'm off to watch Matchstick Men. Hopefully it's worth the drive to Orangeville.

By the way, Happy Birthday to Mattro. Don't worry. 21 isn't that old. Oh wait! You're 22 right. Well then. That's another story. I'm sorry ....

Oh yeah. Something fun from Seasaidh's blog.

Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, find line 4. Write down what it says.
Enter your temporary password, which is the same as your telephone number (yeah it’s the phone book) .

Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What do you touch first?
An evening activity group list (wow so far I’m really exciting).

What is the last thing you watched on TV?
Part of the stupid Juno’s last night. Yuck.

WITHOUT LOOKING, guess what the time is.
7:10 pm.

Now look at the clock, what is the actual time?
7:18 pm.

With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
An Edge presentation of Kurt Cobain. And screaming children.

When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
I work at an outdoor education centre :) I was actually walking. Woohoo!

Before you came to this website, what did you look at?

What are you wearing?
Thick wool socks, long johns, green cords, underwear, a blue bra, a white tank top, a blue long shirt, and my UOG hoodie. Man. That’s a lot of clothes. I should have said nothing.

Did you dream last night?

When did you last laugh?
Right now. Jess was just being funny.

What is on the walls of the room you are in?
Damn that’s a lot. I’m in the staff work room. So work related paraphernalia. And lots of dead stuffed animals.

Seen anything weird lately?
Um. Not worth talking about. I remembe seeing something weird the other day. Gee could I be any more vauge.

What do you think of this quiz?
Good waste of work report time.

What is the last film you saw?
Runaway Jury.

If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy first?
The BOYNE :)

If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?
One thing? ONLY ONE THING!?!?! Umm. Make everyone happy, well fed, well clothed, and well housed. I guess that’s more than one thing.

Do you like to dance?
Sometimes. Especially the maple syrup dance.

George Bush: is he a power-crazy nut case or someone who is finally doing something that has needed to be done for years?
He’s a monkey. Actually that’s insulting monkeys.

Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?
Hmm. That’s a tough one.

Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?

Would you ever consider living abroad?
In my dreams.

* song of the moment: Craig Cardiff - this mix CD of his that I know no names of songs too *