Zo-ster is being all cute and sleeping in my closet among my shoes.
My sis gave me the new U2 album. I don't understand all the criticism. It's good stuff. My fav song is Miracle Drug. I just read this blurb about the song and what inspired it. And it almost made me cry (because I'm like that). Bono: "We all went to the same school and just as we were leaving, a fellow called Christopher Nolan arrived. He had been deprived of oxygen for two hours when he was born, so he was paraplegic. But his mother believed he could understand what was going on and used to teach him at home. Eventually, they discovered a drug that allowed him to move one muscle in his neck. So they attached this unicorn device to his forehead and he learned to type. And out of him came all these poems that he'd been storing up in his head. Then he put out a collection called Dam-Burst of Dreams, which won a load of awards and he went off to university and became a genius. All because of a mother's love and a medical breakthrough."
My blogging is being interrupted by exciting moments in the hockey game. So nice to have hockey to watch again for a while. Watching it on my new DVD/TV combo. Oohh. YAY! Go Canada!!! We're winning. More Christmas shenans to be updated later when hockey is not on.
* song of the moment: U2- Miracle Drug *