Monday, February 28, 2005

New format time for good ole Mr. blog. I'll fix links and such later.

I'm so drugged up from these drugs I'm on due to my wisdom teeth pain. It's really quite crazy. I just was sitting and staring into space - and I was entertained. I can't tell if I like it or not. Ha ha.

I spent a good half hour cutting recipes out of chatelaine tonight. Guess my 40th birthday must just be around the corner. Cooking is cool! Yes. I'm excited to potentially have a good job in the summer and to perhaps live in a cute little apartment downtown and cook and have time to read on the balcony and it'll be great. Maybe I can even learn to sew. Then I can make fun 70's dresses. Oh the excitement. Guess I better graduate university first. And get said job.

Must sleep. Damn I have to get up at 3 to take some penicillin.

* song of the moment: Family guy theme (I've watched like 5 episodes in a row) *

Why have I had hiccups straight for the past 10 hours? It's unnerving.

* song of the moment: REM - At My Most Beautiful *

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

I cannot think. My brain is mush for no reason and work just is not getting done. Complete sentences are not being formed. I do not want to get my teeth all yanked out tomorrow. I do not want to be sedated. My dad dropped off some paperwork for me and said "oh you're wearing makeup" in a scared kind of way because I had been crying and the mascara and eyeliner had run down my cheeks. I did look scary. The crying was from Gilmore Girls. Mock me if you must as I do not care. Sometimes I believe I am seriously unbalanced. The fleeing mood has hit me hard today.

I am going to start a new blog. One where I can write whatever I please whenever I please and not worry about people reacting or commenting on it. It will be wonderfully random. I will write about my unnecessary uncalled for bad mood and no one will say "gee em - chin up because it's all good". My door has been closed all day as to avoid the household flu. I think that is just adding to the loneliness. I do not care about wind turbines at this moment but I must go force myself too.

Emily - mountain climber extraordinaire  Posted by Hello

Do us a favour will you?

Thursday, February 17, 2005

And just because I heard a perfect In Passing moment a few minutes ago and after laughing out loud it left me speechless.

Random black-clothing clad girl in bus talking (very loudly) to her (boy)friend:

“I’m cold – but we’re going to have a really warm summer this year.” She says..

“Oh! Why is that?” he asks unsuspectingly.

“Because the equator is moving north.”

Phew. I have a few minutes to blog finally. My craziness of a week has ended and now the only busy-ness is things that I've been putting off. Like laundry, cleaning my room, eating, and showering. I don't think I smell too bad yet.

Ottawa tonight! Woohoo.

Today on my DUBBLE BUBBLE the fun fact was "The needle on a compass always points north". I worry that the person who learns from that might choke on their chewy bubble gum goodness.

Damn I just found out that my group interview for summer day camps in Guelph was scheduled for Saturday. Apparently I missed that whilst filling out forms. Guess I'm not working there! Meh, I didn't really want to stay in Guelph anyway - need to get away from this place!

* song of the moment: John Mayer - Clarity *

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Taking a lunch break at the library. Good times of studying. Sometimes I think I have ADD. That's why forcing myself to stay at the library where there are limited distractions is a good idea.

It's time for my yearly cinnamon hearts binge. Every year I eat an insane amount of these freaking candies (my mouth is currently burning from them at we speak) because for some reason I love them. For about a week. Then I never want to see them again. Until of course the next year. It's very strange.

Last night was the enviro sci formal. Twas a good time! I've never gone but I thought since it's my last chance I'd see what the fuss was all about. Plus it's also lotsa fun to get dressed up. I do like being a girl sometimes. Especially when there are dresses involved. Lots of dancing. Lots of eating. Lots of cinnamon hearts. On the way there on the bus, we requested that the bus driver drop us off right at the hotel, since there was a ton of us there. This bus driver is great. He's the one that says "hey there brother" when you walk on the bus. Anyway - to accommodate for us he was going to have to skip the dropoff at the mall. So he asked if anyone wanted off - and some dude raised his hand. So the bus driver asked "well how about if one of these lovely ladies gave you a kiss? would it be cool then?" And (of course) the dude was like hell ya! So Shirley walked over to this guy and smacked him one. It was great. Especially since her boyfriend was driving over separately and had JUST told us to watch her for him.

Ok. Tea then back to work.

* no song of the moment *

Friday, February 11, 2005

Random two things of the day thus far...

- was buying cat food at the pet store (go figure) and when I walked into the rodent/bird room there was really really loud heavy metal music playing. Strange taste these rodents/birds have.

- there was new graffiti in my seat in agricultural economics. It stated "JoJo Roxz my World". I have nothing more to say about that.

Damn I was supposed to go to the Sarah Slean - Jeremy Fisher concert next Thursday with my sis in TO, and we were gonna go cool thrift store shopping. And apparently we were late buying tickets and now they're sold out. My life is over.

* song of the moment: French vocab playing over and over in my headphones in anticipation of tonight's midterm *

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Best sign in front of a church ever:

And Roll
Doesn't work in hell

Ha ha ha.

I love when nice fat snowflakes fall onto your eyelashes and you can see them when you look up.

* song of the moment: Bach - Piano Concerto No. 9 (it's a classical music sort of day) *

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Phew. I just had a telephone interview for a job in the summer. Interviews are stressful. I need a nap now. I think I have a good chance of getting this job though - we'll see. Not convinced I really feel like working at a camp for the whole summer. We'll see though. She hinted at the fact that she was considering me for a ropes specialist though. Or THE ropes specialist. Since they seem to only have one. I might need to get certified though. And I just looked it up and it's hella expensive. Can't afford that on a camp salary :)

Mebbe I'll email Ag Can and put the pressure on now. Tell them I just had a job interview for a job I think I'll get. They should know pretty soon if they'll get funding. I seem to recall getting hired about this time of the year last time. Hmm. Mebbe I'll consult the blog... and stop ranting with my nervous energy.

I have such rage for MSN right now. Why can't it work? Blurn. I have people to talk too. Homework to be procrastinated from. Oh my lanta. Jeremy Fisher AND Sarah Slean are going to be at the mod club next week. Right after my lineup of 4 midterms. What a good reward.

* song of the moment: Alexi Murdoch - Orange Sky *

Saturday, February 05, 2005

I just found a black 11 week old black girl kitty at the Humane Society in Erin. I'm not sure if I can make it out there due to busyness and school and lack of a vehicle but we'll see. Kitties!

So I've put up a bunch of pink and blue post-it-notes all over my room with "inspirational" quotes to myself. And by inspirational I mean they're notes yelling at me. For example, "STOP PROCRASTINATING - DO SOME WORK" etc... Yes. It's a good time. So far it's gone pretty well. I did some work today. I also have one saying "DON'T PICK YOUR FINGERS". For those of you who have never looked at my hands, it's my very very bad nervous/stressed/anytime habit. I've done it since i was a little kid and it grosses me out. Plus my poor fingers are all red.

Down to B-vegas tomorrow for the day. Woohoo! It's too bad I can't make it a real visit but the day will be good times all around. I'll get to meet Jess's belleville fam, and hang out with her for the afternoon, and then see her as a superstar in her play. Blurn it'll be fun. And mebbe she'll go thrift store shopping with me, I'm in desperate need of some new fun clothes.

Ok. My blue post-it with purple writing tell me "if you're wasting time on the computer do 30 crunches". Must listen.

* song of the moment: Silverchair - Without You *

Friday, February 04, 2005

4:30 am grilled cheese is the best grilled cheese ever.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

* warning - this is going to be a bitchy/complaining post *

I had a BAD day. And it's only 3:30 in the afternoon. And it wasn't one of those "em's emotional bad day". It was an honest to goodness one. Let's see. This morning the alarm went off for an hour. It feels like I haven't slept in weeks. And when I went to jump and turn it all my whole body ached. Probably because I spent hours yesterday standing in a crowd waiting for the bus to the career fair, only to end up standing the whole way to Waterloo on the freaking bus. Ok. So I'm finally coherent. I get some juice, and I'm walking up the stairs and I fell. Clumsy me. Bashed my leg/knee/arm on the floor. Rob msn-ed me to see what fell over in my room. Nothing - just me. And the day just went downhill from there. Boring as hell class. Last minute assignment. Stressful meeting. Lotsa work to do tonight.

If it wasn't a gorgeous 1 degree out I would jump on a plane to Timbucktu.

* /end bitchy-complaining *

Freezies are yummy. And my dad is having me over for supper. And making my favourite dish.