Sunday, March 30, 2003

So I've decided that no matter how important statistics is to my future, I just don't care enough about it to put any effort into it. That's my wonderful sunday night revelation. I just can't force myself to do it. Oh well, life goes on.

I'm a little paranoid about the whole SARS affair. I mean, I know there are a zillion things out there that can potentially kill you and this is just another, but for some reason this one has made me far more nervous than normal. This morning I woke up with a sore throat, and I had a moment of panic, not even thinking that it could possibly be from the fact I've been singing like a maniac, especially on my tour last weekend.

One of these days I'm going to figure out how to do something with this blog, to put something new and exciting on it, to think of something new and exciting to write. But for now, nothing. I'm currently out of thoughts, sitting at my computer listening to Ben Folds. Now that's some great piano. He rocks.

I think I had a wierd dream last night, but I can't remember it. Wow, that's really exciting Emily. I'm such a complaining bore, see, even as I say that I'm complaining. Ok..My resolution from March 30th : Don't complain!

There, that should help. Goodnight all.

Saturday, March 29, 2003

I wish that I could be a writer. That I could have that talent where all the emotions and thoughts are are jumbled around in my head could be elegantly put down on a piece of paper. Almost daily I read blogs where thoughts I could have sworn were my own are written down. Beautifully. Far better than I ever could have. It's nice to read them, to see them out there in hard copy, but it's also sad because I know I'm not the one who produced them.

Only one more week of classes and then I'm bounding into the world of exams. But then I get a few glorious weeks of freedom before me job starts. I'm somewhat worried that I still don't have a place to live in Ottawa, I guess I could put some more effort into it. But what better than leaving it all to the last minute. Procrastination is my style. Ha ha.

Oh my goodness, last night I watched Mystery Science Theatre 3000. It has got to be one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my life. Honestly, I was laughing the entire 92 minutes. Laughing so much that I was getting short of breath. I highly recommend these to anyone who has never seen them. Good sarcastic fun.

Saturday, March 08, 2003

Everyone brace yourselves - I''m updating twice in one day. Huzzah!!

Ok. Be dissapointed, because that's all I have.


The last 15 minutes was just spend with me trying to figure out how the heck to put in a comment box on my blog. So for the html-ly impaired, the world of blogs and websites just isn't easy. And on that note, I finished my webpage that I made for school. No more coding for moi!

I sang in a wedding this afternoon, it was really quite sweet. Although in the sermon, the priest kept going on about how the bride (whom he coincidentally called the wrong name) and groom were inevitably going to hurt each other, and would encounter trials and stresses, etc. I was thinking, ok, the groom or bride is going to go running out of the church in about 30 seconds. Crazy Catholics (just a joke-I'm a Catholic, no one take offence).

Karen - I'm getting excited about reading your page. Woohoo! I've decided that... Ha ha. I just was distracted and now I have no idea what I decided to do. But I'm sure it wasn't earth-shattering in the least. The crazy two weeks of death is going to be over next Wednesday, which is subsequently my dad's birthday. Yay!

My house smells kind of like smoke. Should I be worried? Going to check it out.

Monday, March 03, 2003

So today is the coldest recorded day for the 3rd of March. Woo-freakin-hoo. Sorry, it's just that I've been cold for so long now I think I've gone into permafrost. Ok, enough of the melodrama. I'm currently skipping a class to "be productive" and "do work", but obviously that's not happening. Who needs sleep anyway???

Jess, if you happen to read this by some slip of fate, I'm REALLY sorry for not calling you when you were at your billets house. Where are you now? Sorry, I'm the worst friend ever. Well maybe not ever. But close.

So let's think of something more exciting. I made my very first website ever for a course I'm taking. The course name is "Descision making and Communication Skills". Ha ha ha. If you would like to check it out it's It's nothing exciting. But a good waste of time. I think most people write blogs knowing that no one is going to read it but they write it for themselves. Sometimes it's fun to write a whole lot of nothing onto a dull grey computer screen with a flashing cursor. Mmmmm...

Well that's all for now folks.. as my friend would say "See you space cowboys..."