The drowsiness of a dreary Monday is upon me. But fortunately I only have one more week and then I'm back to Guelph. It's funny how I seem to have an attention span of 4 months when it comes to living in one place. I'm going to have to be a nomad when I "grow up". Or some other profession that moves a lot. Like a circus performer. Ahem.
Which Rejected Character are You?

You're the Bunny! Strong and Stern, you fight till the very end.
Ha ha ha. What a strange quiz. I don't even remember the bunny. If you've never seen this cartoon I suggest you do. It's funny. Except for the excessive anus bleeding. Or maybe because of it.
On a more exciting note, I somehow managed to pull of a 70% in my DE course. What is that all about anyway? I did next-to-no work at all. Wow. I am a lucky lucky person.
I've had a song stuck in my head for over a week now I just figured out what it was. Crush by Dave Matthews. Ahhh. I feel much better now. Well, I should get back to work. Seeing as it is my last week. And thus ending one of the best summers I've ever had. Good times.
* song of the moment: The Ataris - Boys of Summer*