Monday, August 25, 2003

The drowsiness of a dreary Monday is upon me. But fortunately I only have one more week and then I'm back to Guelph. It's funny how I seem to have an attention span of 4 months when it comes to living in one place. I'm going to have to be a nomad when I "grow up". Or some other profession that moves a lot. Like a circus performer. Ahem.

Which Rejected Character are You?
You're the Bunny! Strong and Stern, you fight till the very end.

Ha ha ha. What a strange quiz. I don't even remember the bunny. If you've never seen this cartoon I suggest you do. It's funny. Except for the excessive anus bleeding. Or maybe because of it.

On a more exciting note, I somehow managed to pull of a 70% in my DE course. What is that all about anyway? I did next-to-no work at all. Wow. I am a lucky lucky person.

I've had a song stuck in my head for over a week now I just figured out what it was. Crush by Dave Matthews. Ahhh. I feel much better now. Well, I should get back to work. Seeing as it is my last week. And thus ending one of the best summers I've ever had. Good times.

* song of the moment: The Ataris - Boys of Summer*

Wednesday, August 13, 2003

So here I am again - sitting at the computer entering journal article after journal article. It's a fun time. At least this Dave Matthew's CD is entertaining me. And fOr some reason there is a Greek/English dictionary on my desk. Hmm.

Last night I got so many phone calls it was really exciting. My name was all over the message board. Ha ha. It's quite pathetic that I get excited about that. But it is the simple things that make life what it is right? *wink* Simple things like the wind in your hair, eating ice cream on a hot day, and phone messages on the chalk board.

I read the most ridiculous headline on Yahoo news today and I'm trying to remember it now. Arg. Ok. I have nothing. Sorry about that. That was a weak post - I'll improve on it later.

* song of the moment: Dave Matthews - Lie On Our Graves *

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

After an amazing weekend I feel at a loss of what to write about. All the different memories and funny stories that only a few select people would laugh hysterically at come flooding into my head and I sit with my hands just above the keyboard, waiting. I'll just say it was great, really really great. Despite the rain. Although the rain was fun for a while. Cliff jumping in the rain was somewhat precarious though, and picnicking in the rain was an experience. But I had a great time. I'm going to stop saying that now. It was nice to visit - there is something comforting about sitting around absolutely plastered, singing and listening to the guitar for hours.

Only a few more weeks until I have to relocate back to Guelph. It seems like just a little while ago I was droning on about how I was excited to move to Ottawa. But at the same time it seems like ages ago. Hmm. It's been a good summer. As I read that it seems so trivial to summarize all that's happened into one sentence, because it deserves far more than 5 words.

I'm secretly loving all this rain we're getting. The fact that it has been gray skies for days makes me smile. I love looking out the window watching the rain drops race each other down the glass.

* song of the moment: Pearl Jam - Even flow *

Friday, August 01, 2003

Only twenty more minutes to go before the long weekend. Finally going to get some good old camping in. Depending on the weather. But I have a feeling it's going to be gorgeous. * knocks on wood*. Well regardless I'm planning on having a GRRREAT time.

I really haven't posted much of late - there is no good reason for that, I just don't feel like there is anything to say. I'm enjoying my summer very very much though. Yeah. I just wrote a whole paragraph and re-read it and ended up erasing it. Writing has been frustrating to me lately. I can't figure out why. Meh. I'm not too worried. Although my final exam is coming up and hopefully I can write then. Ha ha.

The line " and every time she sneezes I believe it's love ", from Anna Begins has been stuck in my head for some time. It's great. GRRRREAT! Wow. I've been doing too much busy work. My mind is going. It was really funny today. I was folding filters for a few hours and after a while I looked out the window and had a good 10 seconds of complete fear where I forgot where in the blazes I was and what I was doing. It was hilarious. I was so damn confused.

Ok. Christina is going to be picking me up in a few minutes. Pretty excited for the road trip. Listenin' to tunes with the windows down, the world flying by - the best thing for a hot Friday night of a marvelously long weekend.

* song of the moment: Sloan - the new one (it's too bad the radio station always introduces it like that - I have no idea what the real name is ) *