Merry Christmas Everyone!
Skipping stones and listening to the shells...
Welcome to the wonderful world of Shmemily... the one and only
Wednesday, December 24, 2003
Sunday, December 21, 2003
Alright gang. I have returned. I'm back in Guelph and yesterday played pond hockey for hours. It was so great! And now I really have to start shopping for Christmas. Oops.
I've decided to take a break from blogging for a while. No worries - I will return. But not right now. I threw in a story and 100 more things about myself to tide everyone over until I return. I just want to thank all my friends and strangers who read my blog. I appreciate it. Have a good holiday everyone. Play safe.
* song of the moment: Matchbox Twenty - Bright Lights *
100 MORE things about me
101. My birthday is June 16.
102. I have a hard time remembering others birthdays.
103. I bruise often.
104. I believe the Maple Leafs rock.
105. It scares me how fast life goes by.
106. I’m 21.
107. I never want to grow up.
108. I talk, laugh and cry in my sleep.
109. I want to learn how to play the drums someday.
110. And I’ve always wanted to be in a band.
111. I always have my toenails painted.
112. I can get down about life.
113. I’ve only been to the ocean once. *edit* Twice now and oh so close to many more
114. I rarely ever wear make-up.
115. Secretly I wished I owned hundreds of shoes.
116. I go into dazes often.
117. And when people ask me what I was thinking about I have no idea.
118. In high school I was the “quiet girl with the long hair” for those who didn’t know me.
119. My cat has become very fat.
120. That’s probably my fault.
121. I love being in the water.
122. But get cold very easily.
123. I weighed myself since the last 100 list and it’s 123 lbs.
124. I’m happy to be Canadian.
125. I want a hatchback.
126. When I drive somewhere I’m bound to get lost.
127. Stick me in the woods though and I have an easier time finding my way.
128. I have a bad habit of picking the skin of my fingers when nervous or stressed.
129. When I watch a scary movie I cover my eyes and watch through my fingers.
130. I make a lot of lists for things.
131. Due to the fact I tend to fall over while standing still I think I have an inner ear problem.
132. I’d like to live somewhere exotic for a while, like Alaska.
133. Ultimately I want to live in the country or a small town.
134. I just got a digital camera and it’s exciting.
135. I’m addicted to MSN.
136. I’m a bad speller.
137. is my favourite number for some reason.
138. Have I mentioned my love for Ewan McGregor?
139. I have a personal vendetta against Brittany Spears.
140. My feet get really bad blisters.
141. I sit with my legs crossed a lot.
142. The closest I’ve come to a celebrity is babysitting Neve Campbell’s cousin.
143. I’m a sporadic insomniac.
144. Christmas carols make my happy.
145. And I love candy canes.
146. I hate shopping.
147. Only one guy has ever sent me flowers. *edit* The big 2. I'm a popular gal
148. I’d like to be rich but I know that will never happen.
149. And I’m ok with that.
150. I like playing.
151. My biggest fault is my inability to talk about what I’m thinking or feeling.
152. While it is easy for me to admit this I don’t know how to change it.
153. It worries me because I think it might cause me to end up alone.
154. Except for the above fault I’m pretty happy with the person I am.
155. I apologize that this list is weaker than the other.
156. I’m afraid of heights but still like climbing and high ropes.
157. The furthest south I’ve been is St. Petersburg, Florida.
158. The furthest north I’ve been is Kamsack, Saskatchewan. *edit* Stirling, Scotland
159. When people learn I sing they ask me to sing something for them.
160. I hate that a lot.
161. I was a cross-country star when I was younger.
162. I love LOTR (both books and movies) but was disappointed with the last movie.
163. I have great respect for Cat Stevens and the way he lived his life.
164. His was the first tape I ever owned.
165. I collected elephants when I was younger (not real ones).
166. I used to pride myself in never crying in front of people.
167. However as I get older it gets harder.
168. If I can avoid it I don’t take antibiotics or medication.
169. Sometimes I forget to eat.
170. I used to want to be an astronaut.
171. Until I realized that I got car/plane/anything sick.
172. I love my record player.
173. I try to live life with no regrets.
174. And am often unsuccessful with that.
175. I like to listen.
176. But I always want to solve my friend’s problems.
177. I can’t stand politics.
178. I also don’t believe in the system but I can’t think of any other way to do it.
179. I’ve outgrown my “damn the man” phase.
180. My nose, shoulders, and ears get sunburnt easily.
181. I wish I could speak other languages.
182. I used to be able to speak German, and can still a bit.
183. My best friend and I used to always talk in German with each other.
184. I always wear 4 rings and a variety of bracelets.
185. Which I feel naked without.
186. I’ve been in love once.
187. I love laughing so hard you get hiccups.
188. I type really fast.
189. And really loud.
190. I like to listen to classical music.
191. I sometimes say certain words with a sort of strange accent.
192. I do this without noticing.
193. Great is one of these words.
194. I don’t wear a watch.
195. I probably should since I’m forever asking people the time.
196. When I was a kid I was a tomboy.
197. I used to play with all the neighbour boys until they got old enough to realize I was a girl and therefore icky.
198. University is far too expensive.
199. It was a bit harder thinking of things for this list.
200. I like to smile.
Here's the mini-story I promised. It's not one of my best so please don't be too critical.
Slowly the black station wagon pulled into the driveway. The tires groaned in protest as they came into contact with the wet gravel. A procession of people, clad in black clothing, scurried from their vehicles into the house, as if the falling rain would somehow dissolve them. What they really wanted was to dissolve this overhanging air of depression and anguish.
As the people walked up the stairs, each of them glanced over at the small figure crouched on the porch swing, her black hat over her eyes; each of them wanting to approach her, but not knowing how, or what to say. The awkwardness they would have to deal with was too much, and they didn’t want to have to put themselves through that. They would rather go inside and drink coffee and eat little egg sandwiches cut in triangles. Dealing with a child with that kind of lose was not something any of them wanted to deal with. So they left her there.
There was a small crack in the arm of the swing. She traced it with her finger, wondering how it got there. In her short life she had never felt like this before. Usually the rain would make her smile; it would make her want to dance up and down the street, showing the world her bright yellow boots that had a blue stripe across the top. But now she was crippled with this feeling; it kept her glued to the swing. Sitting and remembering.
She and her father used to sit there, for hours on end, watching the sky and waiting for a flash of brilliant light. They would then close their eyes tight and both make a wish from the bottom of their hearts.
Her eyes were closed now, but that didn’t stop the tears from coming. They welled up, then spilled out, flowing down her cheeks. She wished that he were there – to take her in his strong arms, to kiss the top of her head. But he was gone. And she knew it was her fault that he was gone. It was all because of her.
She remembered just last night, sitting on the same swing. Her grandparents were inside, arguing as they frequently did. Her father had never liked them much. She had been tuning them out, watching the sky for shooting stars. But then her grandmother’s voice had pierced her ears.
“ He worked too hard; that what killed him. Always working too hard, and for what? His girl. That’s what killed him.”
She had been shocked. Had she really done that, she thought. How had she killed her beloved father? She had loved him, loved the time they spent together, loved the long walks through the forest. She loved the little things. She loved the way he made hot chocolate with so many marshmallows in it that all the liquid would be absorbed and she would be left with chocolaty-marshmallows. But she must be responsible, she thought, for she was only a child, and adults must always know better.
So there she sat, swinging quietly on the porch swing. Her feet hanging above the porch, the blue paint chipping off the railing in front of her. The procession passed her again, muttering word of sympathy that went unheard.
She was left alone. Alone with her guilt. Alone with her thoughts, her memories of shooting stars and chocolaty-marshmallows.
Sunday, December 14, 2003
Alrighty. Post from O-town. I'm currently trying to thaw out my ears after an unsucessful walk to the video store. Turns out it moved. Whoops. It was nice and snowy anyway so it made a nice walk. Right now I'm just waiting while Kyle gets his hair cut. His family is busting around upstairs, cooking, talking, humming Christmas carols and it's really relaxing to listen to. Very family-ish.
Last night we went to a party hosted by a girl we used to work with. Good times. I have so many fun things lined up for the next little while, it's really exciting. Plus sleeping in. That's a vital part of the holidays. Today we slept until one. Mmm sweet sweet sleep.
I don't have anything incredibly profound to say right now. I hope everyone is enjoying their holidays (or soon to be holidays). Enjoy.
* song of the moment: Christmas carols (I'm a sucker for these) *
Tuesday, December 09, 2003
As per request from Mr. Grinwis I'm going to update. I'm done. Done like dinner!!!! And it feels great *apologizes to all the poor souls that are still writing exams*. I'm going to gloat. It's wonderful. Went out and celebrated it up last night. And now I'm sitting here eating a candy cane. Mmmmm.
I honestly just sat here for 5 minutes, crunching away at my candy cane, thinking of something to say. I don't know why I have such a hard time writing sometimes, maybe it's because I feel that everything I write should be important somehow, that I shouldn't waste words. Speaking of works - I came across a little story I wrote way back and I might just tweak it a bit and put it in. We'll see. It's not great, but it's something. I wrote it in class when they told us to write a story about guilt.
So Kingston in 2 days. I can't believe it's finally here. The holidays. Wow. It's super!
* song of the moment: Third Eye Blind - Deep Inside of You *
Wednesday, December 03, 2003
It's 2:31 am. Do YOU know where your children are??? I know that despite the fact that I'm tired as hell, I can't sleep. So blogging I shall go.
I'm glad everyone enjoyed the 100 things so much. Now it's YOUR turn. Muahaha. You heard me. It's a good time. Really. So is Snood. I've redicovered the good times of Snood. Ah, first year. When our entire alcove had Snood wars and anytime anyone had something due you could be sure to find them playing Snood.
So we've had our first few real days of snow. I'd have to admit that it does look quite wonderful. It covers everything in a nice clean layer. If it hadn't been so cold I would have played in it. Maybe later. Ohh. Some tackle-snow-ultimate-frisbee is in order I think. Once exams are good and done. Which is less than a week. And technically I've already passed all my courses. So la de da. Take that courses! Yeah.. I've got nothing. Oohh. Joming is sending me pictures.. going to look...
* song of the moment: Simon and Garfunkel - Sound of Silence *