Friday, March 26, 2004

So apparently there are people that are religiously addicted to scrapbooking. And they have decided that staying up until three am to do this is a good thing. Not considering that the poor little intern has to lock up after then. Aieee. I'm going to be one cranky monkey tomorrow. Maybe I'll just go campout in the hallway. Do you think they would get a hint then?

Gross. I just ate a whole package of lifesavers. Now I think I might hurl.

* song of the moment: This Crap for Brains on the Radio *

Sunday, March 21, 2004

My cat is pouncing on ants and then eating them. It’s quite entertaining. I just got home to an empty house, well except for the cat, and I’m eating a Coffee Crisp and decided to update. Woohoo. Tonight was lots of fun. Hanging out with Matt and Jon is always fun. They played me some of their new (and old) songs. Even with Jon being a sicky right now they are really, really talented. Now they just have to get off their butts and get out there. I want to be a groupie. You hear that boys!

Man I’m getting Coffee Crisp everywhere. What a mess. I have to go to bed soon, but hopefully I don't have any more nightmares about evil bunnies. I need all the sleep I can get before March Break is over. My March Break has been good this year. Trekked out to Ottawa. Visited Jess. Got drunk. Acted like a tourist. Slept in. A lot. Shopped. Ate a lot. Had fun. I think I already said that. Well it was a good time anyway.

When I was coming home on the train I was deep in thought and something hit me that occasionally tends to sideswipe me. For a little while I forget what the point of life is. Not in a superficial, high school melodramatic, “there is no reason left to live”, sort of way. In the way where everything seems kind of pointless. I mean, we’re born, we go to school, we grow up, we die, and then whatever comes next. And of course there are many wonderful and poignant points along the way but in the grander scheme of things the significant purpose is beyond me. But this thought is fuzzy in my head and I can’t quite figure out what I mean by it.

And then these thoughts are yanked away by the current and as much as I try to grasp on to them they have faded. Before I could figure out what they meant. My muscles relax and my hands unclench and all I am left with is the faint unsettling feeling in my stomach. And I feel really silly for getting so overwhelmed, because there is obviously a point to life. But I can’t get over that unsettling feeling in my stomach.

* song of the moment: Pearl Jam - Wishlist *

Thursday, March 11, 2004

It's surprising I can still type right now. I'm dead. We just finished a huge boil. And my hands have been under temperature extremes. Boiling hot and freezing cold. But we ended up with 9.75 litres of maple syrup. Yummmmy. That's really all I have to say right now. More fun and shenanigans later.

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

* gnikaepS yllasrevinU – sreppeP illihC toH deR : tnemom eht fo gnos *

.eci eht no kcits ruoy peeK .gniddup etalocohc ym hsinif og tsum dnA . yzal m’I dna drah gnitteg si gnitirw sdrawkcab siht lleW

.syad owt ni eciwt detadpu ev’I taht tcaf eht s’ti ebyaM .gniticxe taht neeb evah ton tsum ti oS .nettogrof won evah I yad sdrawkcab eht rof nosaer rehto ehT !gnikih oN .fta’siht ekih-oce eht gnidaerd m’I won dnA .lla ta peels on tog dna gnorw og ot else gnihtemos rof gnitiaw tsuj – ekawa ereht gniyl saw I neht dnA .od ot tahw tou erugif ot dah I oS .ekoms htiw gnidliub eht pu dellif dna gniog erif eht tfel mrod slrig eht ni srehcaet ehT .ma 2 ta eciwt dellac tog I thgin tsaL .enob eht ot detsuahxe m’I esuaceb si nosaer enO .yad fo tros sdrawkcab a si yadoT

Monday, March 08, 2004

I think Shaneika has gone crazy. She's talking to me about something I supposedly said. And I know I didn't. Maybe it was my twin. My invisible EVIL bloodsucking twin. Or it was me with my bad memory.

Another week here at the cliffs. I worked the weekend so now I'm off and all confused. What day is it? Where am I? What am I supposed to be doing? Hmmm. There is also a stomache flu going through. A few of the crew is down and out and I'm not going to get it *knocking on wood* *knocking again on wood for good measure*. I can't be sick to go to Ottawa. So much fun and excitement awaits me there. I don't know why I have such an attachment to this city. Seasaidh was laughing at me because I was excited about taking public transportation there. Go OC Transpo! Good times.

Last night I was up here all alone again. And I'm reading this book House of Leaves. And it's damn creepy. Good but creepy. There was this whole footnote the author wrote about that feeling you get when you think someone is behind you. And you don't look but you can just sense them there, smell them, hear their breathing. And then you look and there is no one. Yikes. That freaked me right out. I immediately got up and started watching something stupid on the television like Girlfriends or some crap. Oh. And then Alias. I would just like to point out to Hilary that I called that (that I won't spoil for other people) weeks ago. Ha! It was so great. I think I have higher blood pressure though now. Or some sort of heart condition. Wow. I've written too much about television. You'd think my life revolved around it or something.

Oh I just remembered what I should be doing. Program. Kids. Must plan.

* song of the moment: Default - Wasting My Time *

Thursday, March 04, 2004

I've been up insanely early this morning because course selection for the fall and the summer started at 7am. Aieee. And I have a ton of conflicts (that I have mostly worked out) and I didn't get accepted into some courses (which I wish I had mostly worked out ). Oh well. The 2 days I'm home for March Break are going to be days of appointments. Carrying around forms and getting signatures everywhere.

So now I'm sitting here in the work room, listening to Coldplay, and figuring out my bank statements, emailing various faculty at the university, and drinking tea. And my entire life next year is strewn about me in the form of schedules, course descriptions, and little pieces of papers I've written interesting courses on. I think I'm going to come back to university sometime to take things I'm interested in. Like german, and music and english and apiculture and this cool course I just found about energy.

Also I would just like to brag that I just spit out a 13 digit ID that is on my library card by memory. It's amazing what you actually remember when you're not thinking about it. Maybe I'll write my work report on Maple Syrup. That's probably something I should have started before we tapped all the trees. Whoops :) Well I've got to grab some breaky. I think I'll sit and eat with my kids. Grade 5's this week. They're so cute. I love it. Except yesterday on my hike when I kept falling over because these two girls that never left my side kept bumping into me.

* song of the moment: Coldplay - Amsterdam (since it's in the CD player) *