Skipping stones and listening to the shells...
Welcome to the wonderful world of Shmemily... the one and only
Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Sunday, June 27, 2004
Such a good wipeout today! I was hiking through the Arboretum (well mostly bushwhacking)trying to find some hike I could use for my Nature Interpretation Walk. Anywho I walked through this patch of weeds that was up to my chin. And all of a sudden I realized my leg was caught right in a fence. It had slipped through one of the metal holes. So I went down. And it was so graceful. There was a whole summersault and a flail and it was quite an ordeal. My mother couldn't even help me up because she was laughing so hard. No serious injuries though. Just a huge bruise on my leg and arm and some sort of rash on my back from a strange plant I landed in. Good times. Fence-1. Emily-0. I take great pride in the fact that I'm one of my most klutziest people around. Although in my defense this fence was near-invisible. Ahem.
What else.... My mother today asked me if I was anorexic. After I spent the entire weekend eating. Literally. I ate like 6 meals a day. I think she needs to look up the work anorexic in the dictionary. I'm eating as I type actually. Areo bar. Mmmmm. In other news though lately my mother and I have been getting along a lot better. Which makes me happy. Although I've noticed my dad and I don't get along as well as we used too. Life's strange sometimes.
So tomorrow. GO VOTE! REALLY! DO IT! DON'T TALK ABOUT IT JUST DO IT! Yeah. It's important. I actually think I have a last minute party change. It might be the first other-than-Green-Party voting for Shmemily.
* song of the moment: Muse - Sunburn *
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
My suspicions are confirmed. I am officially a geek. I had a nightmare last night about The Borg. Yes you heard me right. The Borg. What a way to start of my 22nd (although I guess technically it's my 23rd) year. Go geeks!
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
I am so full at the moment I think I might burst. The last few days have been full of eating out. Which is yummy. But a lot of food. I just burned off a bit of my very enjoyable curry by riding my early birthday present around the block. It's red. And it has wheels. Guess what it is?
Hmm. Not much else to say at the moment. Mostly I want to go watch that 70's show and finish my aquatics assignment. I spent most of the day working on it and listening to The Phantom soundtrack. What an exciting life I lead.
* song of the moment: The Phantom of the Opera - Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again *
Saturday, June 12, 2004
My cat just slashed me with his claws. Now I have two very attractive scratch lines from the side of my nose onto my lips. What did I do to deserve such meanness from my kitty?
Don't really have anything to blog about. Just thought I would. The light bulbs in most of my house have burnt out, so I was doing homework last night by candlelight. Maybe I should go buy some today. I also started reading The Lovely Bones. No one told me it was going to be this sad. I started crying while I was on the bus! Then I pretended there was something in my eye and looked out the window. Smooth Emily.
Ok how do you put pictures in posts with this new blogger?
* song of the moment: John Fogerty - Center Field *
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
I'm writing to appease my one fan. Ich liebe dich Jessimica. So yesterday I began a "getting healthy and in shape and rid of my stomach 'insulation' " binge. Went for a run and did crunches until I wanted to cry. Then today I sweated to death on the bike and did more crunches until I wanted to cry. And then I ate a whole bag of chips and coke. I think that pretty much nulled all the near-crying. Damn it! Maybe tomorrow I'll get back on the wagon.
The Teitur CD is still being played obsessively throughout my house. I'm this guys number one fan. Let us see. What else is new. Still have my crazy nightmares/inability to sleep. I think it's going around. This morning I woke up with the feeling I had when I went in to play my grade eight piano exam knowing I was fully unprepared. It's pretty much been the most stressful I ever have been in my life. I was sure my stomach had a huge rock in it. Maybe I was dreaming about it?
So the big 22 in a week. I feel like just yesterday I wrote down in this here blog that I was excited about turning 21. I can feel myself writing about it. And how Casey's gives you a free meal on your birthday. Holy crap life goes by fast. Maybe I'll have to skip class to go get that free meal.
I was reading someone's blog that I have been attached to for a few years now. And she's ending it. Saying she wants to stop writing before all her posts become about tuna-fish sandwiches and the weather. It's sad. She wrote wonderfully.
Maybe I should stop writing this post before it becomes about peanut butter and banana sandwiches and the humidity.
* song of the moment : Teitur - Shade of a Shadow *
Wednesday, June 02, 2004
Whilst on the bus today it struck me how much I love Guelph in the summer. And then and there I decided I would come home and write about it. To share with you all. So I came home and realized that right now, time is something I have very little of.
But it was going to be a beautiful piece. The reasons I love Guelph in the summer; everything radiating green out into you, the sun hitting the buildings in just the right way to make them glow, the little girls on tricycles, skateboarders, hippies, the friendliness, the smiling, brown paper packages tied up in string, ducks waddling down the river bank, squirrels scurrying up trees, listening to the birds chirp and watching the water sparkle.
All sauteed together over medium heat with just the right amount of nouns, adjective, verbs, pronouns, and proverbs. And when you were done reading it your breath would catch in your throat, you'd lightly place your hand on your chest and say yes. Yes. That is why I love Guelph in the summer too.