Friday, March 18, 2005

Quick 4:20 paper break. And I don't mean the good kind of 4:20. I mean the 4:20 am paper break. Oh my lanta I'm so glad that in a month and 3 days and some odd hours I will have written my last exam and be done with this sportatic univeristy lifestyle (for now at least). You think after 18 years in school I would have time management skills down. Turns out not so much.

But in more exciting news, last night was Super Thursday. Yes it is a College Royal, Aggie, Let's-wear-overalls event, but it was still hella fun. I never knew that throwing pies at people (and had them thrown back at you) could be so fun. Super Thursday, in a nutshell, is the messiest combination of obstacle courses, milk chugging, jello eating, pie throwing, egg tossing, nail hammering, and other various pointless (but fun and very messy) activities. I was literally covered in pie, mud, milk, and sawdust. It was great. Ha ha. I just might post a few pictures. Kevin pie-d me really good in the neck/face. Go pie!

Ok back to work.... Happy St. Patty's day!

Monday, March 14, 2005

Random story told by our agricultural economics prof this morning. Apparently his little brother was some sort of a math genius at the age of 5. One day he and his father went into the store and they had a contest set up where there were mountains of Pepsi cans stacked on top of each other, and if you guessed the correct amount you would win a supply of Pepsi for a year. Apparently his brother crawled under the stacks (since he was only a little kid) and calculated the amount using the different shapes and dimensions (it worked out to like 2 thousand something). So they won a year's supply of Pepsi. He said his father warned them that even though it looked like the cans of pop went on forever and forever, it was a scarce resource (hence why we're talking about it in class). The funny part of the story though was when he started telling us what happened to all this Pepsi. They had Pepsi fights on the front yard with all the neighbourhood kids, they used to spray it at each other, and apparently a Pepsi bath was even had at one point. What a strange story. Added to which he was getting all excited talking about it, raising his Kentucky-accent voice, reminiscing of good times with Pepsi.

Moving onto another random note. Has anyone ever been an au pair? It's like being a nanny where you go and live with the family and take care of their kids during the day. But they have an entire network set up in Europe. It was something I was looking into last year as an extension of my trip when I run out of money. I think it would be a blast.

Well my unnamed viral infection is calling me to bed. Must rest before the rage that is colloquium. I found out the other day that I'm going to miss all the U2 concerts this tour due to bad travel timing. My life may be over.

* song of the moment: Donavon Frankenreiter - Differently the Same *

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Why does no one want to hire me? Seriously, the people who say "there are lots of jobs out there" are full of crap for brains. Then again I talked to a friend today who got hired on at an environmental consulting firm and turned down the job. Yes. Turned it down. I hate her. Well I don't hate her I'm just insanely jealous. My other friend told me she thinks I would be good for the military. What's that all about?

So I've just wasted an entire hour reading the book "good vibrations - the guide to good sex" and colouring in a Care Bears colouring book. It's turning out to be quite a random night. But now I feel guilty for not doing work so I shall get to that. And eat the leftover cappelletti from East Sides. I ate three whole big red bowls of salad so I had lots of leftovers.

* song of the moment: Something loud my housemate is blaring *

Friday, March 04, 2005

Conversation heard today in the elevator between two boys with their baseball caps slightly off centre.

"So our house is covered with falafel."
"What's falafel again?"
"I honestly don't even know."
"Oh I think they're like flapjacks."
"Yeah you're right - I forgot".

Yes. Right.

So stitches are falling out of my mouth left, right, and centre. Just because you needed to know that disgusting fact about myself. I need to be up oh-so-early. But my body will not sleep. Nothing a little tv won't solve. Tv fixes everything.

* song of the moment : Zooey who won't stop meowing at anything and everything *

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Morning blogger update whilst I eat my morning yogurt and watch the weather network. I love the weather network. It's great. I'm also still half asleep. Or I should say half groggy since sleep really didn't come to me last night. And when it did it was full of strange dreams. Where does my mind come up with some of these things?

In England the army needed to be called in yesterday to help out with the snow. Psh. The things you learn while watching the weather network. The font is really small on my computer today. I must have accidentally changed the settings. How is that even possible?

Bah the bathroom is busy. 5 roomates + 1 bathroom = hectic mornings. Especially since one of them thinks that taking hour showers in the busiest hour of the day is a good idea. Ok must go find pants. Have a good day everyone. Don't freeze. Soon it will be warm and springy and birds will be singing and flowers will be growing and sandals will come out of the closet while the socks go in.

* song of the moment: That Kelly Clarkson Song (which I have never listened to without being coerced into it. ha ha) *

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

My pupils are huge! I'm looking forward to going to lab and freaking everyone out. Maybe I'll make up a more exciting explanation that "I was just at the eye doctor".

I ran into my sister on the street today. What a pair we make. She has broken here nose so she has a 2 lovely black eyes and a red gash across her nose. And here I am with a nice yellow bruise on my face, along with a swollen jaw. Don't mess with us! Anyway I was complaining yesterday about not having any jello, so she (and Lucas) got me some red jello. F-U-N! We stood and talked for about 10 minutes and after a while I lifted up my hand that had been tightly holding a grocery bag, only to find it had gone completely purple. I'm not kidding. I think I actually might have scared Hilary. Go being doped up and not noticing things like all circulation being cut off from your hand.

I remember a time when my blogs used to be interesting and thought provoking and more classy than me talking about my dilated pupils. Either a) I have run out of anything interesting to say and my life from now on will be boring and eventful, b) All the creativity I did have has been washed away in obtaining a science degree or c) Life for me peaked at 20, and it's all downhill from there. Yikes. I don't like any of those options. Let's make d) I have lots more to say but right now my brain is on hiatus.

Well I'm off to continue the ongoing job search. Here is a random quote I found in my agenda book today, whilst looking for a phone number.

" If words could kill,
they'd spell out your name..."

* song of the moment: U2 - All Because of You * ( I can't remember if this is a repeat - I've been slacking on the new-music-discovery lately)