Thursday, October 30, 2003

Well here's a post for all you eager post-readers. I'm really tired and really overwhelmed with school but besides that life is pretty good. Although the Guelph Transit bus drivers are out to get you. I was so sure today that my bus driver was going to kill us all. It was ridiculous. You shouldn't be afraid for your life when taking public transportation.

Let's see. What else. I got a few pictures from our field trip to Bancroft and am going to put them up. All the good ones Chris still has though.

Ha ha. Another funny news article from Oddly Enough. Harry Potter Causing Hogwarts Headaches? The spell cast by the latest Harry Potter book may have an unintended side effect. A Washington doctor warned that he has seen three children complain of headaches caused by the physical stress of relentlessly plowing through the epic 870-page adventure...."The obvious cure for this malady -- that is, taking a break from reading -- was rejected by two of the patients," Bennett said, adding that the children took acetaminophen instead. In each case, the headache went away only after the patient turned the final page.... there may be an epidemic of Hogwarts headaches in the years to come," Bennett predicted.

I thought that was mildy amusing. Moreso than anything I have to say today. The weather outside is wonderful. That's a nice thing about today. Looking forward to winter break. That's another good thing. Ottawa better not be too cold by the time I get there. Hear that Ottawa??

* song of the moment: Craig Cardiff - Dance Me Outside *

Monday, October 27, 2003

Today was an interesting day. I suppose a large reason was due to the fact that for a large portion of the day most of my face was frozen. Damn dentists. Who needs them? D'oh. I was afraid I was going to start drooling in class.

So in soil physics we watched a movie from the 50's. I'm not joking. It was ACTUALLY made in the 50's. You'd think that hopefully there have been some kind of advances in the field of soil physics in over half a century. Not to mention that the picture quality was absolutely fantastic. It was quite enjoyable. As Mark so eloquently put it, '"I think our University is on welfare".

Moving on to my two hour daily 'homework' break. A few of the guys were talking about some video game where you're a monkey in some sort of ball. I forget exactly what it is. And Nick seemed to be having a very hard time with the concept. So after about 5 minutes of constant conversation about the game he started to continuously ask "so YOU'RE the monkey?". And we all kept affirming that you WERE the monkey. So the conversation continues and he suddenly exclaims, "oh! It's a VIDEO game". And then we all lost it. Because he thought we were actually talking about some weird game in which you got into a giant glass ball and rolled around hitting things. He was thinking 'wow these guys sure do strange things on Friday nights'. It was quite hilarious.

Hmm. I think I've inhaled too much dentist dust. Hilary should be here shortly and I'm going to make her supper. So I should probably go get something started. That is if I have groceries. D'oh. Slopeyer Kev!

* song of the moment: Oasis - Stop Crying Your Heart Out *

Sunday, October 26, 2003

Once again I'm blogging because I'm trying to put off my work. Story of my life. Ha ha. Last night I watched Sleeping Beauty. And enjoyed it so much. I have not seen that movie for such a long time, I swear I was attached to the screen like a child. When I was a little kid I used to want to sing in a Disney musical when I "grew up". My sister and I used to go out in the backyard with our pink ghettoblaster and we'd dance around and sing to the tape. Of course being the bossy older sister allowed me to have all the good parts and the say in all our "routines," and I remember singing and dancing and thinking that one day it would be for real. That the uncut grass would one day be a real dance floor, and my pink velcro sneakers would one day be real dancing shoes, and instead of being surrounded by a vegetable garden and my sister, who was probably crying by this time because I was bossing her around, would be a real studio with a real audience.

I know I had more to talk about. Oh well. The discount book sale is on at the UC right now. I have to physically restrain myself from loading up on new books. Soon enough (December 8th) I'll be able to dig out the list of books to read and start in. Huminah. Then it's off to play in the snow for 4 months.

* song of the moment: The Temptations - My Girl *

Friday, October 24, 2003

I just got dropped off and am going to quickly update. Now you'll have two to read Jon! Take that. Ha ha. I lost my necklace today, now I have to make a wish *wishes hard*. Had coffee with the two guys today - as is getting to be our routine. It's nice to have those things in your life. Routines that you do, it makes life comforting sometimes. Plus Matt bought me chocolate cake since he's a billionare, and then they made fun of me because I was enjoying it so much. Mmm.. chocolate cake.

* song of the moment: Howie Day - She Says *

I'm curently sitting in the library, reading over articles about spruce budworm and eating cookies. It's kind of funny that I wonder how I've gained weight since this school term started - it's all these damn cafe cookies that I eat. Maybe today when I see Jon I'll get him to put me on a wake-up-at-5am-because-I'm-hardcore routine to get back into shap. Ha ha. Like that would happen. Or I guess I could just stop eating all these cookies.

My friend Jo send me this forward entitled "You know you're from Guelph when", with a message saying 'I don't really understand this, Enjoy'. There are a few funny ones, for you Guelphites out there.
- You know that the man-dawg was previously housed by John Sleeman
- Your best field trip in elementary school was going to Guelph Lake
- You know what every high school is known for (Centennial=rich snobs, Ross=drugs, GC=dirty, St. James=pregnant teenagers)
- Someone you know is involved with organizing Festival Italiano
- Half of your friends didn't leave home when they started university. The other half moved into residence within walking distance of their parent's houses.

I enjoyed. Especially that last one. Who does that anyway?? So I should get back to/start work. Now that I've wasted a ton of my time eating cookies and blogging.

* song of the moment: Hmmm... well the photocopier is kind of squeaky *

Thursday, October 23, 2003

While Jess is dying laughing I'm going to make a quick update. All these people (and by all I mean 2 ) have been saying they like my writing and now I'm under all this pressure. So much pressure!! Ha ha... You'll have to excuse the randomness tonight. I'm half tired/ half unmotivated.

I've been listening to the song Treat Her Right continuously for the past little while because it's on repeat on my winamp list. And now I'm feeling angry for some reason. Angry. Take that.

So nothing is really exciting in my life right now. School takes up most of my time, and when it's not school I'm thinking about how much I should be doing. Mostly the later. I do a lot of thinking. Too much maybe. Thinking is highly overrated. Indeed.

* song of the moment: U2 - Running To Stand Still *

Monday, October 20, 2003

My kittycat is trying to eat my guitar pick. Bad Zooey! Alright I'm back from a weekend of driving, looking at rocks, and drinking beer (not in that particular order). It was a lot more fun that I thought it would be. And at one point we were in an old abandoned mine that had so much radiation our reader was making strange beeping noises. Hopefully I'll still be able to have children. But I found some sodalite that's really quite rare. So that's neat. I have a billion pictures that I'll put up once they get sent to me.

This weekend the Boyne interns are having a reunion and I'm so excited I might pee my pants. I haven't seem them since last spring. LAST SPRING! So we're hopefully having a picnic and then playing at the Boyne. Yay for playing! I really have nothing to say right now. Nor am I particularly eloquent today. I think one of these days I'm just going to collapse from exhaustion. Or my body is going to adapt from getting little to no sleep and I'm going to be this mutated superhuman. Hopefully the later.

* song of the moment: Dido - White Flag * (no comments - I heard it a lot on the weekend)

Thursday, October 16, 2003

She stared tepidly down at the dregs of coffee in the bottom of her mug. Swirling it around, she watched how the blackness splashed against the sides, making stains on the grainy beige ceramic. She gazed deep into the abyss. How enthralling, she though. It’s Thanksgiving and here I am, washed up as some 24 hours coffee shop that can’t even afford to put soap into the dispenser.

“I don’t know why I even bother,” she muttered to herself. At the table beside her, a crouched old man looked up suddenly, as if she had broken his trance.

Groaning slightly, she pulled herself from the chair and walked to her car. It was raining softly and the drops were rolling down the side of her windows. Lovely weather, she thought bitterly to herself.

There was clutter everywhere. Boxes of clothes, pictures, and Christmas decorations resided in the back seat. There was a pile of library books sitting on the passenger side, all of them at least a week overdue. A single piece of crumpled paper was on top of them. She remembered walking into the apartment and spotting in on their table.

His table now.

It read;

As per our conversation last night, I think it would be better for both of us if you leave. I’m sorry things turned out the way they did. Hopefully we can still be friends.
Love always.

She couldn’t believe it. Yes, she would be friends with him. They would talk about the candidates for mayor, weather, and how the latest brand of paper towels absorbed more than ever before. What a joke.

It was a mystery to her what it was that turned men off so much. Looking in the mirror she seemed to be attractive enough. Her blond hair settled lightly on her shoulders; she was tall, but not too tall. She considered herself rather nice looking. It must be something else.

One of her windshield wipers was broken. It would regularly streak the window, then come back and erase what it had just created. Ironic, she thought, that she was also broken in this way.

As she was driving the rain began to subside. The early morning dawn cast greyish shadows over the southern Ontario countryside. Although the bitterness in her was still there, the rhythm of the wheels on the wet pavement was numbing it, pushing it deeper into her soul. This was now a part of her, as important as the intricate whorls on her fingertips. This was just another chapter in her story, another page in her life. She had been here before, been broken like this. But sometimes, broken things could never be mended.

Monday, October 13, 2003

MMmmm hockey. How I missed thee. So after an embarassing first game (although I do love Theodore so he's allowed to kick butt), the Leaf season is back in motion. Hopefully they get into gear. But I was watching highlights and I saw how McCauley is rockin it down in San Jose. Gee. I remember when he was on the Leafs. And he had great potential. And he was my favourite player. And the damn Leafs traded him. For who? Nolan. Bah. Ok. Enough of that. *hands soapbox back to Jon*

Right so midterms. I think I've heard of those things.

I've put some pictures up in my gallery. Although not personally owning a digital camera might cause the gallery to be sporatic. But there are some Boyne ones up there. I was talking to Colin and Marah today and we were planning our Boyne get-together. We might go have a picnic (weather depending). I miss those guys a lot. Marah told me a story that made me smile. She makes me smile.

* song of the moment: Tracy Chapman - Telling Stories *

Sunday, October 12, 2003

After all those nice comments I received after my last post anything seems anti-climatic. But alas. I want to blog. Penblwydd Hapus i Chi! Jess apparently that's "Happy Birthday" in Welsh. Go Welsh! Anywho I hope you have a good birthday.

So far I've wasted two very potentially productive days of my long weekend. And I was thinking about how I have three midterms next week. Hmm. So I'm going to crack open the books right after Thanksgiving supper. When I'm full and warm and sleepy. After I watch Alias. That should work very well.

Last night Jess, Nicole, Ricki Lee and I had a "girls night". It was great to see them. Just like we used to do it in high school. We sit and eat large amounts of food (this time it was Halloween candy) and gossip for hours. And giggle. Embarrassingly it is quite a girly get together. Fun though. Oooh. Check out my GuestMap. It's fun.

*song of the moment: Elliot Smith - Say Yes * (there you go Christina - another Elliot Smith that I've been listening to far too much over the past few days)

Thursday, October 09, 2003

While I was on the bus today I started thinking about how, to such a large extent, our life is affected by the small decisions we make. There are those huge, you-know-it’s-life-altering decisions, but then there are billions of small ones we make all the time. And we never realize how much it may affect out lives. There are endless possibilities to how life can turn out, to where you get, and what you do, and who you’re with, and they could all be affected by a tiny little decision you did not even knew you made.

Like when I was in grade 10 I had to make the decision to join CELP or go to Germany on exchange. I had no idea what the outcome would be from either of them. It’s not like a "choose your own adventure book" where I flipped to page 83, decided I didn’t like getting attacked by a giant robot, and switched back. There is no option B. It’s the life you have. But at that time I had no idea. I think I may even have flipped a coin and decided. But if I didn’t do CELP I would not even be close to the person I am today. I would not want to teach outdoor ed, I would not love the outdoors. It goes on and on.

And this summer. I was so close to not taking the job. Imagine what my life would have been like then. I can’t even. It’s crazy. But all those possibilities are really exciting. Maybe I made a decision today that will turn my life around again. Who knows? There are endless outcomes and that’s exhilarating.

Plus it is absolutely beautiful out today. Gorgeous even. There is the warm spring wind that you can feel on your bare arms but doesn’t give you goose bumps. It even smells good out.

* song of the moment: Van Morrison – A Whiter Shade of Pale *

Mmmm.... I'm eating some pita and it's a good time had by all. And by all I mean me. Chris, Mark and I went out tonight, and now I'm thinking about going to bed. Mark took us to this abandoned old warehouse thing at the end of our street. It was freaky. But bed... No luck as of yet though. My mind is racing too much. I don't think I can update too much right now. This weekend is a long weekend. And I'm stuck in Guelph. Oh well. Jess is having a girl's night. So that's cool.

I'm getting really fidgety with my life right now. It's not cool. Ok. Bed. Ha ha. An add pop-up just came on my screen for "The Tiggler" a vibrating tongue ring. Strange. Night all.

* song of the moment: Ben Fold Five – Magic *

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Today I decided I was going to take a trip somewhere warm. I finish my exams on the 8th and that gives me plenty of time go jump on a plane and spend a week on the beach before Christmas. So it's been decided. Anyone want to come? I just want to lie on some warm sand and not worry about school. It'll be great. I really can't afford it but you can get really cheap packages last minute. And I don't care where I go. As long as it's warm. And there is water.

My dad has just decided to tell me now that he's going away for a week a couple Saturdays from now. That means it's just going to be just me and my cat in the house. How lonely. Also I almost got hit by a car twice today. Thankfully I was paying attention. Also a bullrush attacked me when I was out in our wetland and I have a scratch across my face. The world seems to be out to get me today. Maybe I should put my pajamas on and go to bed.

* song of the moment: U2 - All I Want Is You *

Monday, October 06, 2003

I'm going to look beyond the fact that my blog is a disaster right now and make an effort to post. Currently the best blog-rescue-people are on the job 24/7 to bring you back to the Shmemily blogging that you all love. And by people I mean me. Wasting time trying to learn html. If anyone out there has any help I would be most gracious. Ok. Back to blogging.

I had a great weekend. GREAT. Went up to Kingston to experience homecoming. And I'm insanely jealous we don't have anything like that in Guelph. Any day that starts with a pancake kegger is going to turn out well. Ha ha. And it just went on from that. By the end of the night various doors had been broken down, someone had attempted to ride said door down the stairs, a billion beer bottles had been smashed, someone had been hit squarely in the crotch with a bagel travelling at a very high speed, sugar had been lit on fire and thrown, and everyone was covered in a fine layer of purple juice crystals. And that's only the half of it. Plus it was wonderful to see Kyle.

They should have a spell checker on blogger. My spelling is atrocious. I had something else to say but I left the room to eat some grapes and forgot. Mmm. Grapes. I watched the Oblongs on the weekend. Really strange. Awww. My kitty just thought that the mirror was in fact another room that he's never explored before and jumped headfirst into it. Poor Zooey. Going to console him.

* song of the moment: Elliot Smith - Needle in the Hay *

Thursday, October 02, 2003

I just lost my template. And my links. And my counter. And my message board. And my imood. Saddest day ever. My site is a mess. Please ignore.