Sunday, January 16, 2005

Exciting few days for astronomy geeks. The Huygens probe was launched from the Cassini spacecraft and has successfully descended onto Titan (the largest moon of Saturn). They're getting back some of the first pictures about the colour and composition of the surface of this huge moon. Titan has always been a kind of mysterious place since astronomers aren't quite sure what lies under the thick layer of clouds. I think it's crazy cool stuff. I suggest you check it out even if you're not a space nerd like me. Exploration of the unknown is always fascinating.

And on to something less thought provoking and more cutesy, I was just browsing the Guelph Humane Society page (tee hee) when I came across some new kittens they have. They're orange tabby and 8 weeks old and oh do I want one. And I just might. 2 cats doesn't cross the crazy-cat-lady boundary I don't think. Plus kitties are so cute! Ha ha. We'll see. Mebbe tomorrow I'll be more rational about it. Mebbe not :)

Well since I can't think of anything else since I spent the whole day yesterday watching movies and eating, it's back the old grinding block.

* song of the moment: Broken Social Scene - Stars and Sons *

Friday, January 14, 2005

I met a celebrity tonight. Well a celebrity in Emily-land. I went and listened to Douglas Coupland speak this evening, and all I can say is it propelled my obsession for this guy even more. He was awesome and damn funny. There were times I had to restrain myself for getting stuck in a continuous giggle. The randomness that is "doug" as he calls himself was great. The first thing he talked about was how he thought drugs, especially codeine, were great. What a way to start. Ha ha. On one of his random rants he thought that computers needed a few extra keys, firstly, the 'fuck' key where you pressed it when the computer was really messing with you and you were getting mad at it, just to let it know who was boss. Shift-'fuck' - would be fuck off and also die. And the final one would be 'imdrunk', where the computer would not let you send out any emails for the next 12 hours. Ha ha. He also read a bit of his new book - which I've already read so it was nice to hear him do it, and some hilarious excerpts from his new book, which is going to be sort of a follow up to Microserfs. The parts from this he read were about, basically, Ronald McDonald, and his sexuality/or lack thereof and 6 employees at a computer programming company who decide to write letters trying to seduce Ronald McD. Good stuff. Especially his intro into the whole Ronald McDonald section by him saying "when I was seven Ronald McDonald came to by birthday party... all I can remember is my mom saying he was a god because he could fix the orange drink machine with nothing but a paper clip and his own unwavering witt". Tee hee. I promise I'll stop ranting now. It was just great. And I got 2 of my books signed. I was trying to think of something really witty and original to say when I met him, since he signs so many people's books. But when I actually met him I was so excited I froze up. ha ha. I think I shook his hand like 3 times though. Oh and he asked if my name was really Emily Dickinson. So maybe that's something. All in all - Douglas Coupland = superfantastic and a great way to end a not-so-good day.

In other news, over the past 24 hours or so it's dropped 30 degrees. How crazy is that. It was 15 yesterday and oh so gorgeous. Today, crap for brains cold. Ok. Futurama to watch and chocolate to eat!

* song of the moment: The Killers - Mr. Brightside *

Dunk. Ok I think there is a reason why I never do this dunk. I can't think of anything to write that I wouldn't normaly censor. So no update. SLeep tight everyone.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

What a nice walk home. Places (and buses) have been closed all day today because of the crazy rain/sleet/freezing rain. But it warmed up tonight and now it's all misty and spooky cool out. My likes. I'm trying to think of an excuse to have to walk someone. Mebbe a midnight trip to Timmies will be in order. Zooey likes it too. I found him sitting on the porch waiting for me when I came home.

This Badly Drawn Boy song I'm listening to is so fun. I'm sitting here dancing with myself in the chair. And feeling kind of happy. Which is nice considering I've been in down-in-the-dumps land for the past few days.

I pretty much just lost most of my reading week. The dreaded wisdom teeth removal is going to happen during my time off. I had a consultation today and now i'm thoroughly freaked out about having them taken out (and also about the fact that apparently I have a cyst in my jaw). My dentist puts you under "conscious sedation" though, and what I've read about that today has reassured me a bit about it. Some people don't remember anything about the procedure. Knowing my luck with teeth though.... oh well. I'm going to think happy thoughts. My dentist was like "well you just have too small of a mouth". What a comment. Obviously. Enough about wisdom teeth.

I started learning (or re-learning) French today. It was lotsa fun. Hard but fun. The course I'm taking in is just listening, so I'm going to try and speak things out loud as I learn them to try and get a bit of that too. And then I watched French tv during supper. Go me!

* song of the moment: Badly Drawn Boy - Four Leaf Clover *

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

I'm oh so very cold and have no idea why. I also feel as if my brain (and body) has turned to mush due to the total lack of doing ANYTHING the past little while. Since a couple of my housemates regularly run at the dome I think I'll try and get into that grove with them. I'll make it my New Years Resolution. Which will make it the um-teenth time in a row that I have made a Resolution to get back into shape.

Trying not to make this a boring record of events that have happened. So it won't be. If you know me you know things I've done. Otherwise. Tough luck I guess.

OH MY LANTA. Here's some news. Douglas Coupland is coming to the G-spot! You heard me! On friday the 14th at the Bookshelf. I think I might die. Soooo excited.

I started writing a story the other day. It was so nice. I've been so uninspired for writing lately and I just felt the need to write. So I bought me a nice blue dollar store notebook and started writing. We'll see how this one goes. I have good thoughts for it though.

Well Kyle just came home for supper so Ima go bother him. Shmem out.

* song of the moment: Black Eyed Peas - Where is the Love *