Saturday, November 20, 2004

I got the best surprise last night. I was bumming around the house in my pj's, trying to avoid doing work at all, and basically moping around. I was expecting my mother to drop off some things so when I heard the doorbell I went and poked my head down the stairs. And guess who it was? Kyle! I think my exact words were "holy shit". Ha ha. I have the best boyfriend. *fans herself at the excessive girlyness of that comment* Anyway. It certainly made my night!

After waking up this morning to Zo-fo's incessant meowing I discovered something strange on our front lawn. In G-spot there is a place called "The Boathouse Ice Cream and Tea House" (or something of the like). And this is written on a big pink sign in from of the boathouse. So looking out my window I saw the nice big sign on our front lawn. How strange is that. I thought that many one of my housemates got really drunk and stole it. But it turns out that about 7:30 a black SUV pulled up and some guys jumped out and grabbed the sign and ditched in on out lawn. What is the point of stealing something as cool as a big sign and then leaving it on some random person's lawn. Weird. Anywho a policeman came by and such. And after surveying the whole situation he attempted to fit the big ole sign into his squad car. It was great. We were taking pictures of him. Because of course it didn't fit. Silly polizei. He had to get back into his squad car in shame and call for backup.

So after watching Dead Like Me obsessively for the past few months I discovered some crazy things today about the man who plays Rube. First of all, we're driving home from choir listening to the Evita soundtrack full blast. We got in a conversation about how amazing the tenor who is "Che". And it's Rube aka Mandy Patinkin! Good god that man can SING! So I looked him up on good 'ole imdb and found that amongst many other things he played Inigo Montoya on the Princess Bride. You remember ".. my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.." Anywho. His voice is really really great though.

* song of the moment: any Evita song that has Mandy Patinkin singing *

Friday, November 19, 2004

My dad works at the post office. Since he knows I love reading magazines he often sticks my address on extra ones that come back when people have moved and forgotten to change their address. So today I come home and there was a magazine waiting for me. Guess what it was? If you guessed Playboy you're right. My father sent me a Playboy. Ha ha. It made my (and apparently my housemates') day.

That's pretty much it. Going to take the afternoon off and nap. Then back to the books.

* song of the moment: Pilate - Endgame *

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Posted by Hello

Perhaps the greatest picture ever taken of me. It's all the chickadee.

What a fun weekend. Let's recap. Last week shmemily = very stressed and pulling hair out and having daily fits of hysterical laughter from tiredness and overall not grood. This week shmemily = just as much work but oh so less stress. In the spirit of looking at things positively, I guess the plus to having a boyfriend far away (or only 4 hours 15 mins if you're driving super fast) is the fact that you forget about your other stressfull life when you go visit. And how.

Oohh. The story for the pictures. On Saturday we went on a lovely afternoon hike (which makes us sound like old people but I've been on nature "walks" old peoples [and young people's] hearts would stop from - so take that). Anywho. We got super close to a nice big pileated woodpecker (think woody [the woodpecker]) - it's crazy to think that spending countless nature hikes at "work" searching for them I should run across one when I'm not looking. Saw some porcupine remains. And an old lime kiln. And the best part ... fed chickadees. So cute! They eat right out of your hand (and/or your head).

The rest of the weekend was good times too. Well until the crippling migraine that had me stuck in Ottawa until yesterday. But the good outways the bad.

Do you realize that it's only three more weeks of class?? Aiee. I could just die in excitement. Despite the fact that we have to right exams after these three weeks. While this semester has been nice because I'd had actual class classes and not all distance, they have been craptacular ones. Next semester will be good. I can feel it. Plus it's the last!

Going to steal some of Rob's pink lemonade. Mmm. Post a comment. Say hi. Or anything at all. I miss all my readers :)

* song of the moment: *whine* I have no new good music *

Nice view! Posted by Hello

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

It's too bad none of the halloween pictures have my actual costume. Only a hint of the white gloves. This one made me laugh. Just look at me! Posted by Hello

My neighbour is on his roof walking around with a leaf blower. Blowing off the leaves I guess. But what an odd thing to do. Especially on days where the wind is blowing the leaves everywhere anyway. Old people are odd.

* song of the moment: Tom McRrae - The Boy with the Bubble Gum *

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

As I was walking home from school today, contently listening to my walkman and the calming voice of Colin Hay, a car on the street next to me swerved a little out of the way. The car in the oncoming land in turn, had to swerve slightly to accommodate for it. Besides a little bit of tire squealing and some hand gesturing, nothing really monumental happened. But it hit me; what if the car had swerved just a metre to the left, say to avoid a larger animal, or the car in the oncoming lane had not been paying attention. A huge crash maybe? And I was walking right by. I could have easily been smashed into. And then (since I overthink everything) I started thinking about what if that last bitchy blog post had been my last post ever. Those who read it would have their last memory of me like that. And I was (in the oh so eloquent words of Strong Bad) weirded out! Ha ha.

So I shall write some happy thoughts. For each post I write from now on. Just in case I get hit by a car on the way back to class. You never know.

Happy Thought #1 - It's fall (fall makes me happy regardless of anything else).
Happy Thought #2 - I got back my audit and it's all cool. The government is not taking money from me! Huzzah.
Happy Thought #3 - I've rediscovered the enjoyment of walking while listening to music. Combining two really good things together.
Happy Thought # 4 - I have happy, exciting, scary (in a good way), adventurous events that are going to be happening in my life in a short while.

* song of the moment: Snow Patrol - Run *

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Disclaimer: I am in a bad mood. Anything written here cannot be held against me.

La freaking da. Ironic that my first real post in a long time starts on a bitter note. Meh. So is life. On a happy note I just got back from a really nice walk in the dark. I like walking in the dark. We giggled lots in the dark too. That's also fun.

My dad cancelled the one time (if that) a week supper we have together tonight. His excuse was "well I didn't really buy any food". Pretty damn weak if you ask me. Go out and buy some freaking food. Gawd damn. Sometimes I forget who the parent is. Anywho. That's gripe number one. Can you even use gripe that way? Hopefully I didn't use it in the 'strong pain in the bowel' way.

Gripe number two. I've fallen out of touch with some of my friends lately and it bugs the hell out of me. I guess there are various reasons for that. And I guess that's what time does. But it's still frustrating.

And heeeeeres gripe number three. School. That's the same old eh? I just find regardless of the amount of work I put in nowadays I still get shittay marks.

After three comes four. 511.2km. That's far. And in my current mood I can't foresee that changing all that much in the near future.

Gripe number five. Don't really have one. Damn I just ate the last timbit I had been saving for the end because it looked so good and it tasted like it fell on the damn floor. That can be gripe five.

What a bitchy post. Let me think of something happy to end with. Hmm. I had a pretty good weekend. Kyle was here. Was kinda sick but what can ya do. Got to be Rogue. Which was fun despite my last minute laziness on my costume. Word on the street was that I was still hot. So that makes up for it.

* song of the moment: Indigo Girls - Galileo (mmm... such a good song) *

Monday, November 01, 2004

A few photo requests up for you folks. Enjoy. More will come later. No need to get antsy and mean-commenty.

One of my bean plants is dead. I've been a bad bean-mother. Nothing much to say today. Too tired to write in complete sentences. I think mebbe later tonight I'll write an actual update. We'll see.

Ok I've eaten too many Rice Thins and now my lips are salt-puffy. Must go get some AJ.

* song of the moment: Toad the Wet Sprocket - Heaven *

This picture does not give my double jointed fingers justice but there they are - best physical trick (sorry guys can't stand on my head). Posted by Hello

My guilty pleasure. Obsessing about my Europe trip. This was a hard choice. Other potential options were books, cottage cheese, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Posted by Hello

The one thing in my room I would save in case of fire. My photo album. Too many happy memories. Of course Zooey wasn't in the room at the time. Otherwise it would have been him. Posted by Hello

More Zooey.  Posted by Hello

Here's a kitty photo request. My handsome kitty Zooey. Posted by Hello