Here's some blog worthy news. Tom Cruise is dating Katie Holmes. How gross is that? First of all, he's 16 years older than her. Secondly, he's gross. Come on Katie - you can do better. I have a strange obsession with celebrity news and gossip. It's odd. And unhealthy.
I apologize to all my (now non-faithful due to lack of update) blog readers. Life really has been throwing things at me lately - both good and bad - and I've just not had the time, nor the spirit to update on it. But here I am now. Sitting in the library at school even though I've graduated. Huzzah to that! Undergrad 0 Emily 1! Muahaha.
The last of my furniture gets moved today. My back is so sore I can't handle it. Ok. Going to enjoy the internet at the library before I return to my house of no phone and no internet and no fun.
* song of the moment: Death Cab for Cutie (sorry I forget the song name) *