Saturday, April 30, 2005

Here's some blog worthy news. Tom Cruise is dating Katie Holmes. How gross is that? First of all, he's 16 years older than her. Secondly, he's gross. Come on Katie - you can do better. I have a strange obsession with celebrity news and gossip. It's odd. And unhealthy.

I apologize to all my (now non-faithful due to lack of update) blog readers. Life really has been throwing things at me lately - both good and bad - and I've just not had the time, nor the spirit to update on it. But here I am now. Sitting in the library at school even though I've graduated. Huzzah to that! Undergrad 0 Emily 1! Muahaha.

The last of my furniture gets moved today. My back is so sore I can't handle it. Ok. Going to enjoy the internet at the library before I return to my house of no phone and no internet and no fun.

* song of the moment: Death Cab for Cutie (sorry I forget the song name) *

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Quick O-town posty. The stretch of super-hard exams has passed me! Huzzah to that. Only two more and I'm a free woman. All I'll ever need to know for university has been condensed down into a little blue binder. It's tres exciting. And I get to spend the weekend playing with kitties and puppies and hamipsters.

I just sat here trying to think of a funny story to tell. No dice. Kyle's 'we'll miss you' card from superpet has two references to Jesus. Apparently his crazy co-workers think he looks like Jesus. How weird is that?

* song of the moment: whatever musicmusic is playing (I need some new songs - send over ideas) *

Sunday, April 10, 2005

There are some guys downstairs getting WAY too excited about golf. And I just woofed some pasta, cheese, and mushrooms down so fast I got insta-heartburn. Good thing there are lots of tums in the house. Only 4 finals, 1 take home, and 1 more project till I am (hopefully) done my undergrad forever. Aye tis exciting.

I was supposed to start this blog a specific way. Now I've forgotten. Something like... speaking of celebrities I would sleep with... There we go. Got to hang out and have coffee with Jonny G today for a while. Good times ensue. If I happen to get stuck in Guelph this summer (which I hope will NOT happen) he's going to help me out with one of the things on summer to-do list. That would be the learning to skateboard part of my list. Not the becoming a master chef or mad sewer. Can you even say sewer without it meaning an actual Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle sort of sewer. Maybe I should learn that before I start proclaiming myself as one of them.

Only 6 days until I'm in Ottawa. Mmmmm. On that note I'm going to have a quick nap since I was suddenly hit with the drowsies. Then work work work! Sorry I don't have anything more exciting to report at the moment :)

* song of the moment: Damien Rice - Cannonball *

Sunday, April 03, 2005

This morning I woke up oh-so-very confused. Added to the fact that I was having a weird dream about being bitten by this giant lizard, I woke suddenly to my alarm and looked out the window. Freaking snow storm!! There is at least 15 centimetres on my steps. And it continues to blizzard. I think southern Ontario forget it was April 3rd. There's no way I can wear my sandals now.

I had a mini-nervous breakdown about our 4th year Enviro Sci project yesterday. I'm the one compiling it and I realized we had soo much left to do. So I'm heading off to the lib now to work on it. Library on a Sunday morning. No cartoons for me! I can't complain that much though because there is only one week left of classes.

I know it's been a while since I updated. But honestly school is the only thing I do at the moment. Soon I'll be full of stories about being unemployed. Ha ha.

* song of the moment: Sarah Slean - California (just because I saw a girl on the bus the other day that looked EXACTLY like her) *